No name! >.<


A Newbie!! =D
Sorry for that but it's just I don't have a name for this fanfic but perhaps you can name it! ^^; This is more like Pokemon Mystery Dungeon but I hope you like it.


"Hey! Are you alright? Wake up! C'mon! Wake up!" shouted a pokemon to the other.

"Ugh... where am I?" asked the other pokemon as she opened her eyes and noticed a Weavile.

"You're awake! You're finally awake!" said the Weavile.

"Hey! you take! Pokemon aren't suppose to talk!" the other pokemon said.

"But you can talk and you are a pokemon too!" complained the Weavile.

"Me a Pokemon? I'm a human!" said the unknown one.

"But you look like an ordinary Meowth!" said the Weavile.

The unknown look at herself and was dumbfounded "Aaak! I AM a pokemon! I turned into a Meowth!"

"Anyways, I'm Navy! What's your name?" asked the Weavile

"My name? Oh right. My name is Prairie." said the Meowth.

"HEEEEEEEEELP MEE!!!!" ran a Plusle to them out of nowhere.

"What is it?" asked Navy to the Plusle.

"Our friend has been taken by an outlaw!" sobbed the Plusle. "Can you help me get my friend back?"

"OK." said Prairie as she was unsure. "I'm sure if I can fight well."

"We'll do our best, Prairie! Let's go!" said Navy with alot of confidence.

And so they went into the forrest to go rescue Plusle's friend. After going through alot of traps, they reached the end with an outlaw and a Minun.

"That's it! That's the bully that took my friend away!" pointed the Plusle at the outlaw.

"Let the Minun go!" said Navy.

The outlaw then turned around and noticed a Meowth, a Weavile and a Plusle. "Well, well, well... if you want your 'friend' back that badly, why don't you try and knock me out? Hee-hee-hee..."

"How about this! Quick Attack!" said Navy and with her speed and agility she did a fast slash.

"Umm... let's see... Tackle!" said Prairie and tackled the outlaw.

The outlaw was taken down! The Minun cheered and the Plusle cheered too. Prairie was happy. So was Navy. But Prairie had some questions that needed to be answered like who is she and how did she come here.

Prairie asked a curious question. "Umm... Navy, can you tell me why they were so many bad Pokemon appearing all day?"

Navy replied "It's because they were catastrophic disasters and they were aggressive pokemon coming and protecting their territory from intruders." then Navy changed the subject. "Anyways, you don't seem to have a place to stay. You know what? You can stay by my house!"

Prairie gladly appreciate it. "Thank you for that."

Navy changed the subject again. "You know... I've always dreamed on having a Team. Can you join me on making one?"

Prairie nodded. "Sure. Rescuing Pokemon isn't such a bad idea."

Navy went overjoyed. "Thanks! All we'll do is to register. Let's go to the Guild."

They went to the guild. Then they went to the Guild for registration. The Guildmistress said "Hello visitors! Welcome to the Team Guild! Your team's name for registration, please?"

"A name of our team?" said Navy to the Guildmaster. "Hey Prairie have any idea what the name will be?" whispered Navy to Prairie.

Prairie whispered "Come to think of that, let's call it Sharp Claw!"

"Sharp Claw? That's a good name!" whispered Navy. "Our team is Sharp Claw! Team Sharp Claw!" said Navy to the Guildmistress.

"Very well." said the Guildmistress. "Welcome to the Team Guild, Team Sharp Claw!"

End of Prologue.

Please reply. Good and Bad comments are welcome. :p