Writing No Pokemon: A Fakemon Fanfic


Aspiring Trainer

A region of control, order, and redemption rises from the heart of the planet to bring peace and restore balance to the world. Dark forces gather from behind its walls. He who cheats death will know of the truth. He who seeks power will swallow his own weakness. He who watches from exile will free the light. There is only chaos in the eyes of the demon.



The great leaders of Pokemon terrorist organizations banded together to form the Black Axis under the leadership of Giovanni of Team Rocket. They launched a satellite that allowed them to manipulate the Pokemon caught in Pokeballs, should nations choose not comply with their demands.

The signal was emitted, and all owned Pokemon fell to the ownership of the Black Axis. Legendary Pokemon joined forces to fight this new enemy, but they too were captured using Master Balls. Arceus witnessed this, and in its rage, destroyed the satellite with one blow. As punishment for humanity, Pokemon rose up against humanity. This war against man and Pokemon continued for 7 years, until the remaining world leaders bargained with Arceus and asked for forgiveness.

A new region was also formed; a region bright and full of promise. The Central Region, named due to its location at the very center of the planet, is comprised of great walls to prevent people from encountering wild Pokemon, at the same time to protect them from them. Four layers divide the region, with the Central Region League at the very core of these walls. In order to be able to pass through the walls one has to acquire the badges from each of the gym leaders protecting the gates. Permits are necessary to own and evolve Pokemon, along with a Stasis Vaccination provided by the Slaeder Foundation to prevent sudden evolutions and to ensure Pokemon are tamed by the trainers.

A region of control, order, and redemption rises from the heart of the planet to bring peace and restore balance to the world.


A Fakemon Fanfic I've been working on. It's pretty dark, in that it's not just some boy or girl out to beat a Pokemon league. The villainous group isn't after just capturing a legendary Pokemon. It will deal with the relationship between people and Pokemon, and what makes them what they are.

It takes place in a region known as the Central Region: a region of walled cities born from the ashes caused by the war between Pokemon and humanity.

Look out for updates, along with this region's Pokedex here and on my deviantart account! ;)

Inspired by a couple of things I watch and follow, like KLK, a bit of Naruto in there, Heroes, AoT, FMA, X-Men, etc. hehe