Pokemon: 18
This Deck uses Noivern to attack all Pokemon in play, with the break evolution to add HP and an attack to deal with heavier EX Pokemon. Meowstic finishes off battles by moving damage around.
Exp. Share are very useful, as they help to keep up the hits when one noivern goes down. Winona are also great to get the Noibats and Shaymin out, and Sky field will allow more Shaymins to be on the bench - which, for speed purposes, I added 4 of them.
I must say that this is one very nice speedy straightforward deck to use. Any ideas to improve it are welcome!
- 4 Noibat (Mysterious Beam)
- 4 Noivern (Echolocation)
- 2 Noivern BREAK
- 2 Espurr
- 2 Meowstic (Flashfire)
- 4 Shaymin-EX
- 4 Professor Sycamore
- 3 Winona
- 1 Giovanni's Scheme
- 2 Judge
- 2 Wally
- 1 Lysandre
- 1 Skyla
- 4 VS Seeker
- 4 Ultra Ball
- 2 Super Rod
- 3 Exp. Share
- 3 Sky Field
- 4 Double Dragon Energy
- 5 Psychic Energy
- 3 Darkness Energy
This Deck uses Noivern to attack all Pokemon in play, with the break evolution to add HP and an attack to deal with heavier EX Pokemon. Meowstic finishes off battles by moving damage around.
Exp. Share are very useful, as they help to keep up the hits when one noivern goes down. Winona are also great to get the Noibats and Shaymin out, and Sky field will allow more Shaymins to be on the bench - which, for speed purposes, I added 4 of them.
I must say that this is one very nice speedy straightforward deck to use. Any ideas to improve it are welcome!