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Non-EX Outragers [Reshiram/Zekrom/Kyurem]


Aspiring Trainer
Pokemon (9)
  • 2 Reshiram (ND)
  • 4 Zekrom (ND)
  • 2 Kyurem (NV)
  • 1 Kyurem (PLF)
Trainers (36)
  • 4 Colress
  • 4 N
  • 1 Bianca
  • 3 Skyla
  • 2 Frozen City
  • 1 Virbank City Gym
  • 4 Hypnotoxic lasers
  • 4 Pokemon Catchers
  • 4 Switch
  • 4 Rocky Helmet
  • 1 Rock Guard (SPEC)
  • 2 Eviolite
  • 1 Enhanced Hammers
  • 1 Tool Scraper
Energy (15)
  • 4 DCE
  • 4 Prism
  • 4 Blend WLFM
  • 2 Lightning
  • 1 Water

I am new to pokemon world and just started 2 months ago when my kids wanted to collect and trade pokemon cards with his friends.

The stratgy is to put Frozen City in play ASAP, attach DCE and Rocky Helmet to active pokemon and use outrages attack for early game, in late game replace Frozen City with Virbank City Gym, setup benched Zekrom and Kyurem (PLF), attach Eviolite to them, use Zekrom's Bolt Strike/Kyurem's Blizzard Burn for attack.

Kyurem PLF's Frost Spear to do damage to opponent's bench pokemon also helps a lot.

All pokemons are non-EXs so opponents have to knock out 6 pokemons (Well except Lugia EX) to win the game.

I run this deck on PTCGO, and it works pretty well.

Frozen City will give non-plasma decks huge headache. Each turn opponent's will lose 20+ on Frozen City, 20 on Rocky Helmet, 40+ on outrages, opponent's pokemons usually lose their HPs pretty fast.

For plasma decks especially TDK decks, Kyurem PLF gives me lots of trouble since it can just KO all my pokemon. I have to use tool scraper to get rid of their float stone, enhanced hammers to get rid of their energy, then use catcher to get a deoxys EX or a keldeo EX to delay their attack. However with helmet and outragers, I can still manage to kill their Kyurem and then give me time to setup my Zekrom and fight back.

My questions are:

1. Are my energy cards too much? I don't have ways to get energy cards back that's why I put 15.
2. Should I put in some dual balls to get my pokemons? I'm afraid it may be dead draw in late game.
3. I put 1 Enhanced Hammers and 1 Tool Scraper with 4 Colress to counter TDK deck, what can I do better to deal with TDK deck ?
4. In general, how can I make my deck better ?

Thanks in advance.
1. Yes, 12 is a good amount of energy.
2. No, Dual Ball is not tournament legal.
3. More Enhanced Hammers maybe?
4. -3 Colress
-1 Bianca
+4 Juniper
Juniper is better. Simple as.