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Standard Non-GX Dark Box (Umbreon/Weavile)


Aspiring Trainer
****** Pokémon Trading Card Game Deck List ******

##Pokémon - 22

* 4 Eevee SUM 101
* 2 Oranguru SUM 113
* 2 Alolan Meowth LOT 118
* 4 Sneasel UPR 73
* 2 Alolan Persian LOT 119
* 4 Umbreon LOT 120
* 3 Weavile UPR 74
* 1 Weavile BUS 86

##Trainer Cards - 28

* 1 Rescue Stretcher BUS 165
* 2 Pokémon Communication TEU 152
* 2 Ultra Ball DEX 102
* 4 Nest Ball SUM 123
* 4 Cynthia UPR 119
* 3 Guzma BUS 115
* 1 Black Market {*} TEU 134
* 2 Choice Band GRI 121
* 4 Lillie UPR 125
* 3 Shrine of Punishment CES 143
* 2 Erika’s Hospitality TEU 140

##Energy - 10

* 10 Darkness Energy 7

Total Cards - 60

****** Deck List Generated by the Pokémon TCG Online www.pokemon.com/TCGO ******

With the abundance of abilities and Zapdos, and the new black market prism star, I put together this quick and fun dark deck! (not claiming originality of idea, just that I put this together myself).

I had a good little 15 win streaks with the ladder reset, was quite fun.
Tips for this deck:
  • always go second, coinflips don't matter cause 90% time they'll pick first and you'll go second
  • always try to get Meowth out T1 so you can yell "SPOILING THE FUN" as you T1 KO their Jirachi
  • keep Sneasel unevolved so you have options (unless worried about bench damage or Guzma KO, or need to reduce hand space for card draw)
  • auto-concede against Tag Team Venasaur
  • sweat hard and turn on your 200IQ brain for Buzzwole matches
The flexibility of having Umbreon hitting for 120, UPR Weavile to hit for 150-200 against lots of meta decks, and Persian to Guzma KO lots of support Pokemon (Magcargo, Jirachi, benched basics etc.) at 90 damage, is the core of what makes this deck strong. The rest of the deck is really just draw support and making sure this deck is consistent and won't brick.

Things we hate
  • heal/acerola
  • people getting rid of our Black Market
  • Stupid Alolan Muk
  • Chunky Bois that Stall (Tag Team VENASAUR)
  • Bricking
  • Umbreon hitting a weird 120 damage against non-GX decks won't KO most of them (but kills Zapdos and Tapu Koko)
This deck holds its own against a lot of meta decks, to list a few of the match-ups:

Against Cakepop, T1 Meowth allows you to KO Poiple, set up Blace for a next turn KO with Umbreon (provided Meowth gets KO'ed). They typically will have enough Naganadel, Lele, or even Marshadow in play to let you 1HKO Blac with Choiceband+Weavile (180) or Weavile straight up with 4 abilities (200), we don't play GX so you just win the prize trade.

Ultra Necrozma/Malamar:
Similar to Cakepop, the strategy is almost identical. Meowth can T1KO Jirachi, Inkay while Persian can OHKO Malamar (no one charges up the Malamar anyways). Shrine, Choice band can bridge the Gap for you to OHKO Ultra Nec. with Umbreon. You hit Dawn Wings for Weakness. Their entire bench is abilities so Weavile is FREE.

One thing to watch out for is them chipping your bench down with Giratina, then using Ultra Nec.'s GX attack to wipe your Pokemon. Guzma KOing Malamars with Weavile or Persian is really important in this case.

Zororoc/Zoroark Decks:
You guessed it, use Meowth to get a sneaky T1 KO, then focus more on having Sneasel/Weaviles ready to KO Zoroark, Since all their pokemon have abilities.

Watch out for Muk blocking your freeveelution and Oranguru draw. Luckily, Guzma+Umbreon deals the perfect damage to knock it out.

Zapdos/Lightning Box:
Meowth/Persian to deal with Jirachi for free prizes, Umbreon to deal with Zapdos when your cats die, Weavile for Koko-GX or Zeraora-GX. They don't play many stadiums outside of Thunder Mountain, so bait it with shrine, then if you can get a Black Market to stick it's gg.

Lost March:
Meowth is KEY to this matchup. You're guaranteed to be able to knock out any of their pokemon T1, and the rest of the game is just focussing on having Umbreon ready to respond to their KO, and thus winning prize trade. Again, they don't play many stadia, so a Black Market is likely to stick, and win.

Spread is pretty rough since all everything you play have low HP. Best way to deal with it is just to stagger Pokemon and play it only when you need it. Eevee can be played, evolved, and attack all in the same turn (will have to switch to active somehow) which helps to keep bench empty.

Good thing buzzroc isn't that popular, cause our entire deck is weak to fighting. Although it helps that we don't expect our Pokemon to survive more than a turn to begin with so weakness doesn't really matter. They don't play many abilities, and their Pokemon is just out of range for most of our attacks. Some luck is required to win this match up, but it is winnable.

Looking for some Tips to make this deck more consistent/better without losing its flavour! And happy to discuss card choices. The deck isn't too pricy (on PTCGO) outside of shrines, so it should be pretty easy to build.
I'd strongly suggest you test against Buzzwole deck variants since I believe they will not go away soon. Or at least consider running a few Weakness Policy and/or Sky Pillar Stadium (will help against spread decks too).

Since you're already using eevee, thinking about your matches against buzzwole decks, I would try to fit in Espeon LOT as well
Espeon (LOT) would be a nice addition in there, if you can fit it in.

Also, I see no reason why Absol (TEU) shouldn't be included as a disruption tech. Even if its' attack is costlier than the deck's curve, it also provides a soft answer to CeleSaur, 2hko-ing it, despite healing.

Finally, Nanu could see some play in there. Getting back a Sneasel out of a backup pokemon could be useful.
I third the LOT Espeon - I started playing a similar list recently, and it does help a lot against psychic weak MUs. Of course it also means you have to play at least 2 rainbow energy. This also allows you to tech in a LOT Nihilego, which can also be a great help against Buzz decks.
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