Ruling Non-Opaque Backs on Sleeves???


Aspiring Trainer
Hi Pokebeachers,
I have a pack of non-opaque sleeves that can see the backs of the playing cards a bit... Does the sleeves have to be opaque in a tournament setting? Just don't want to walk into a tournament and be told that my sleeves aren't tournament-conforming...
I would get sleeves that don't show the backs of the cards at all, just to be safe. I guess it also depends on how serious the tournament is. If it's just a non-official tournament your local league is doing then you're probably good, but I think it's always better to be safe than sorry!
If you do decide to use sleeves that aren't completely solid, you can buy Dragon Shield smoked perfect fits, which will hide the back of the cards.
When it comes to tournament setting, I always suggest to take the zero risk route.

Use fully opaque sleeves so that no judge/player can call you out. A pack of sleeves is much cheaper than your day of Pokemon'ing, especially if you're going to Regional or beyond.

You can save the non-opaque sleeves for casual leagues so that you don't constantly wear and tear the same set, if you like.