Noob question about older cards

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Aspiring Trainer
I will start things off by saying hello, its my first post and all. But now for the good stuff, if i enter in a tournament can i use cards from base set through neo sets or are they too old? please let me know, im trying to put together my first deck. thanks
matt01CBR said:
I will start things off by saying hello, its my first post and all. But now for the good stuff, if i enter in a tournament can i use cards from base set through neo sets or are they too old? please let me know, im trying to put together my first deck. thanks

yes... too let you in on the modifies sets here they are

Holon Phantoms
Crystal Gaurdians
Dragon Fronteirs
Power Keepers
Diamond and Pearl
Mysterious Treasures

it'll increase as the new season goes:D And don't feel stupid posting something like this, your just new... that's fine!
Let me give you the full explanation.

In official tournaments, you have to use cards from the list bonsly1994 posted. Add the POP4 and 5 sets and you're set. You may use cards from older sets ONLY IF THEY HAVE BEEN REPRINTED IN ONE OF THE NEWER SETS.

For example, Pluspower is reprinted in Diamond/Pearl, so its legal again. Raichu, on the other hand, has not been reprinted.

Liga's or Leagues are different. They DO allow you to run every card available. You can always ask the League leader about which cards are reprinted and which ones are not.
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