Noob Question.

We will find out what sets are being cut for next season after World Championships. Most people think that all the sets ranging from Diamond & Pearl to D&P: Stormfront will no longer be legal. That would leave us with Platinum, PL: Rising Rivals, PL:Supreme Victors, PL:Arceus, HeartGold & SoulSilver, and whatever the set after that is, legal. But, this is all speculation and no one really knows for sure.
Of course. The 2nd HGSS set should be out by may and the third should be out at august (just after worlds)
^ That sounds about right, i think that the second set will be based on the battle starter decks, which is good becouse we will have some good cards to use (reprinting Rare Candy? Woot! :D) but thats just if this all does happen before worlds.