C Charging_Chimchar God, my name is stuipd ._. Member Nov 14, 2008 #1 But why is everyone so excited about a charmeleon or a charmander? Is'nt Storm Front just another set like Md or GE? :-| -CC
But why is everyone so excited about a charmeleon or a charmander? Is'nt Storm Front just another set like Md or GE? :-| -CC
One Approved ; Advanced Member Member Nov 14, 2008 #2 RE: Not to sound like a N00b... 0.o You know how TSD is a secret rare? Charmander, Charmeleon, and Charizards are all secret rares. That is why ppl get excited over a Charmander as well as a Charizard.
RE: Not to sound like a N00b... 0.o You know how TSD is a secret rare? Charmander, Charmeleon, and Charizards are all secret rares. That is why ppl get excited over a Charmander as well as a Charizard.
C Charging_Chimchar God, my name is stuipd ._. Member Nov 14, 2008 #3 RE: Not to sound like a N00b... What is TSD? Does SF pokemon come in any D/P pack? *im a nub*
One Approved ; Advanced Member Member Nov 14, 2008 #4 RE: Not to sound like a N00b... TSD is an abbriviation for the Trainer card "Time-Space Distorion" using the T in time, the S in Space, and the D in Distorion. No... SF comes in D/P StormFront packs.
RE: Not to sound like a N00b... TSD is an abbriviation for the Trainer card "Time-Space Distorion" using the T in time, the S in Space, and the D in Distorion. No... SF comes in D/P StormFront packs.
C Charging_Chimchar God, my name is stuipd ._. Member Nov 16, 2008 #5 RE: Not to sound like a N00b... What is that.... >_<"
R red blastoise PM me, I love to chat. Member Nov 16, 2008 #6 RE: Not to sound like a N00b... http://www.pokebeach.com/tcg/mysterious-treasures/scans its the last one on the page, notice how it's number is: 124/123 that means its one number past the set, so it's seceret rare.
RE: Not to sound like a N00b... http://www.pokebeach.com/tcg/mysterious-treasures/scans its the last one on the page, notice how it's number is: 124/123 that means its one number past the set, so it's seceret rare.
Zyflair Yes, sir. Of course, sir. Advanced Member Member Nov 17, 2008 #7 RE: Not to sound like a N00b... Secret rares are extremely rare and valuable, and is worth alot.
LoneTyranitar Lennon/McCartney Member Nov 17, 2008 #8 RE: Not to sound like a N00b... That and a lot of really good cards. xD