Number of lv. X cards in a DP box


Aspiring Trainer

For those who have opened boxes of Diamond and Pearl set, how many Lv.X cards did you guys pull in one box? I just bought 2 boxes and I hope I pull an Empelt :p

Since exs are gone, do you think it's not worth it to buy booster boxes now? Because exes were worth a lot and you could also get a star pokemon before...but now there is only 3 Lv. X pokemon card, so that means harder to find and more valuable I guess..
There are only 3 Lv.X cards... right now. Pokémon-ex will always be worth something. They're shiny. :D

The DP set is out in Japan, nowhere else.

Assuming EX Power Keepers is the final set in the EX series, and PUI eliminates 3 sets a year, Modified should look like this:

06-07 - DX-on (Current)
07-08 - DS-on (Deoxys, Emerald, Unseen Forces eliminated)
08-09 - CG-on (Delta Species, Legend Maker, Holon Phantoms eliminated)
09-10 - DP-on (Crystal Guardians, Dragon Frontiers, Power Keepers eliminated)

Alternatively, they could cut every set and simply make it DP-on the year after it is released stateside. Doubt that'll happen though. Power Keepers will be released only a few months before Diamond and Pearl (the games), so we should be getting the DP cards... I'm guessing June or July 2007.

Or they could do a dual release and release the cards with the games and take all our moneys in one fell swoop. :p
I bought the boxes through ebay. Im talking about the japanese DP set which was released on nov. 30 th in Japan.
Ex Power Keepers will be the last set that has EXs in it, so starting from Diamond Pearl, there will be no more Exs...only Lv. X pokemon.

There is only 3 Lv. X pokemon in the whole DP set and I just learned that there is only one of those card per booster BOX, so I guess Lv X would be the equivalent of Star cards.

What I mean with box value usually get a booster box and get say 3-4 ex cards and maybe one star card. With exes gone, with one box will come only one Lv. X card. So what i'm saying is, it won't be worth the money to buy a whole box since you will only be getting one super rare card per box.
According to some people, it'll be like a shining card: 1 in every 3 boxes. I have yet to hear any evidence to keep me from believing that.
I thought the level X pokemon would take over as the new ex's.
No, you can have 4 EX and 4 of the regular pokemon. In the new set you can only have 4 of the pokemon AND LvX, in any combination. So that was the only thing that keeps people from having 4-4 of each, which would probably be way too out of control.
If they are saying there is one of those cards per box then by the sounds of it you are guaranteed 1 lvl X pokemon. If these cards are like the star cards then I guess that is good because before you got a star card in 1 in 3 boxes.
Correct me if I am wrong though. I do not know a lot about the full boxes.
No they are Japanese. Also yes you get 1 lvl X in every box. You cannot have these cards printed in English yet.
This kind of sucks.
But whatever. The Lv X cards have huge disadvantages. They look cool, but you can definitely do without them.