Pokémon (14):
Start with Articuno and use Cold Cyclone to conserve Water energies on the board while protecting the benched Wooper and Wailmer on the bench. Next turn evolve two benched Wailmer and the benched Wooper into Wailord and Quagsire. Once there are four to five energies on the battlefield start to attack with Wailord. Cycle between two Wailord and redistribute the Water energies with Quagsire to hit the opponent for a stable 200 damage each turn. Shrine of Punishment enables Wailord to hit key numbers.
Basic Water Pokémon
HP: 110
Ability: Blizzard Veil
As long as this Pokémon is your active Pokémon, whenever your opponent plays a supporter card from their hand, prevent the effects of that card done to your benched [W] Pokémon.
[W][W] Cold Cyclone: 70
Move 2 [W] energy from this Pokémon to 1 of your benched Pokémon.
Retreat Cost: CC
Weakness: L
Resistance: F
Pokémon (14):
- 1 Volcanion Prism (beatdown)
- 3 Articuno SM9 (beatdown)
- 3 Wailord SM7 (beatdown)
- 3 Wailmer SM7 (evolution)
- 2 Quagsire SM6 (enable)
- 2 Wooper SM6 (evolve)
- 2 Tate and Liza (draw)
- 4 Guzma (control)
- 4 Cynthia (draw)
- 4 Lillie (draw)
- 1 Rescue Stretcher (retrieval)
- 4 Aqua Patch (acceleration)
- 2 Switch Buoy (switch)
- 3 Max Potion (healing)
- 4 Ultra Ball (search)
- 3 Nest Ball (search)
- 3 Shrine of Punishment (beatdown)
- 12 Water Energy
Start with Articuno and use Cold Cyclone to conserve Water energies on the board while protecting the benched Wooper and Wailmer on the bench. Next turn evolve two benched Wailmer and the benched Wooper into Wailord and Quagsire. Once there are four to five energies on the battlefield start to attack with Wailord. Cycle between two Wailord and redistribute the Water energies with Quagsire to hit the opponent for a stable 200 damage each turn. Shrine of Punishment enables Wailord to hit key numbers.
Basic Water Pokémon
HP: 110
Ability: Blizzard Veil
As long as this Pokémon is your active Pokémon, whenever your opponent plays a supporter card from their hand, prevent the effects of that card done to your benched [W] Pokémon.
[W][W] Cold Cyclone: 70
Move 2 [W] energy from this Pokémon to 1 of your benched Pokémon.
Retreat Cost: CC
Weakness: L
Resistance: F