Odd / Silly Things You Used to Think

TokyoToots said:
HoOhLugia said:
I was being sarcastic, I didn't mean I actually saw them. Just in my imagination! :)

It kind of seemed like you actually saw them when you said you actually see them. You can't see sarcasm through the internet. :p

Oh, that's okay. But I do remember when I was little, I used to tell everyone I saw Pokemon - I should have written that instead!
I should also mention I thought I had powers when I was really little, or at least I was special in some way. My mom still makes fun of me for saying that, because I acted as if I had some big secret I was hiding from her and she even got worried at one point...
I used to tell all my school friends that I had tubes all over my house that I could press a button to go in and get to a different point in my house. Much like Wallace and Gromit if you want to make a comparison, except this was on a much larger scale.
My imagination was twenty times more active as a child.
I thought the Navy Seals were actual military-trained seals.

I thought "Irish need not apply" meant that if you were Irish, you'd be accepted automatically and thus didn't need to fill out an application.
HoOhLugia said:
I used to think, and I still do, that Pokemon and Pokemon Characters are REAL! I actually see them, but I guess nobody will believe me.
I think so too. And yes, I would believe you anytime. Mainly because you're a character yourself (just look at your username). And like you said above, in your imagination. Me too.

I used to think that everyone had a different language and God translated everything we said and wrote.

At one point I believed that when lightning struck God's computer wasn't working, and when thunder struck God farted. I was a weird kid.

Jungletoad said:
Can someone tell me how to add a spoiler D:?
God that thing is creepy.
And the code is:
spoiler inside the [], type in the content! then type /spoiler in the [].
If you want to add a title do exactly above but at the beginning do spoiler=title here inside the []. Hope. I helped =)
Queen Sylveon said:
HoOhLugia said:
I used to think, and I still do, that Pokemon and Pokemon Characters are REAL! I actually see them, but I guess nobody will believe me.
I think so too. And yes, I would believe you anytime. Mainly because you're a character yourself (just look at your username). And like you said above, in your imagination. Me too.

I guess your right. My name says it all, and it really is probably because of my imagination.

I also used to think the planets were aligned, and I was really confused when watching cartoons when the characters used to say "When the planets are aligned...". I used to think that satellites were stars and stars were shaped as if they were the geometric stars. I also used to believe that far away from the sun was a bigger sun called the Soho and would one day come closer to the Earth and swallow it up.
When I was small, I used to want to sell ice cream on Mars. Oh, and I also thought I could move things with my mind and run faster than my parents' car.
Seven is a Color said:
I thought the Navy Seals were actual military-trained seals.

I thought "Irish need not apply" meant that if you were Irish, you'd be accepted automatically and thus didn't need to fill out an application.

This made my day.

Leaf_Ranger said:
Well, I thought babies were made by people kissing each other.

Yeah, I thought making love was the same as making out, so when you made out once, you didn't get pregnant, but the second time you did (It was a school rumor). Also, if you did it standing up, you get a boy.
My friend said he found a pure gold pokemon card from a pack, and he said he couldn't show me because his dad didn't want him to lose it.

Same friend told me about how he read a article about how they discovered a pokemon in Peru, but he couldn't show me the article because his dad was using the computer.

Either his dad is a jerk or he was a liar.

I thought that there was an elf living under this big tree because I would leave some acorn there over night for Slingshot Ammo, and they would be gone the next day.
Mr.Muffin said:
I thought that there was an elf living under this big tree because I would leave some acorn there over night for Slingshot Ammo, and they would be gone the next day.

Those silly Squirrels! :rolleyes:
I used to think that tent worm cocoons were giant spiderwebs. Can you imagine looking up at the trees and seeing hundreds upon hundreds of webs and thinking they were all spiders? I'm talking the trees were completely covered in these things. Talk about nightmare fuel.
After I broke up wth my ex- boyfriend, I kept texting him for several months even when he was out of phone credit, I thought the texts would come out after he topped up. It's so stupid after I found out two years later.
I use to think that Rice was just spaghetti cut up really small.
My paternal grandparents both had false teeth, so I thought everyone magically had the ability of taking out their teeth when they got old. Also, the piano playing gorilla at Showbiz was very much a real creature and he preyed on children who got too close to the stage when the curtains slid across (that's a generational one). I, of course, was too busy crying at the table, hiding from him knew better, and therefore remained FAR, FAR away from the stage when he showed up.
When I was a baby, I thought that traffic lights were glowing M&Ms, that that vacuum cleaner from telatubies was going to eat me at night.
When I played Pokemon Blue as a kid, there was an NPC in the Pokemon Tower that said something about a Squirtle that always got into mischief. I had never heard or seen the word mischief before, so I thought it was either the name of a Pokemon or a character that would appear.

From the song Africa, I thought the line "There's nothing that a hundred men or more could ever do" was "There's nothing that a hundred men on Mars cannot do."
Once upon a time when I was a little Drohn I thought that all movies, TV series, etc. really happened and that someone videotaped it. I didn't know they were actors/actresses.