Old decks


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How many of you are annoyed that they rotated out some of the hg ss series and can't use some of your old great decks for tournaments and what were they?
I'm not annoyed with the rotation. It keeps the metagame diverse, and can stop dominating decks from dominating.
They never rotated anything HGSS-on. IDK where you got that impression from. Rotations are necessary for the game. It keeps it fresh and it removes old TSS. If we had all the TSS cards that we wanted, the game would be absurdly fast. The more TSS that we have, the more unfair it is to go first because you can be more and more explosive during your turns. Competitive play is great because we are all balanced in some way. Slow decks will be slow and fast decks will be fast. If they didn't rotate, there would be very little difference in speed between a deck like Metanite to a deck like Luxchomp. That wouldn't be fun. It would make the game into whoever has the more powerful Pokemon cards wins.
That wouldn't be fun. I wonder what happens when we DO get hgss rotated out. Pokemon's gonna have a lot to answer more if they don't remake junk arm, collector, etc. That'll be interesting.
I was very upset when rotation happend last time, but im sorry to say it makes the game better and funner. Also it makes you think of new decks and stagitys.
But let's say you haven't gotten very many new cards that will stay in motion for a while so once lets say hg/ss gets rotated out then you'll have to spend A LOT of many to get a good deck which isn't necessarily bad but if you never really have the money to do that sort of thing than you really can't do anything but try and get free cards or trade with collectors and get ripped off.
We go through a rotation every year, some are "harder" on the players than others(crying over claydol much :p) Some formats your just waithing for a rotation to get out of a dominating BDIF. It's not that hard to get used to a rotation.
Brochacho, you can get BW cards before hgss is rotated out. Start right now and ull be fine. Next time u see ave tell him to stop living in triumphant.

100 POSTS!
ya Ave is too busy living in triumphant but I'm also in a bad position to buy cards cause I still owe my mom money for some stuff but I think I have enough original Black and White and the next series of cards (from when me and you went to the pre-release sorry I forgot the series name.......) but I think I'll be able to last until my birthday.
well then I'll survive, lol I'm not even supposed 2 be on the computer right now......
Neither am I, I'm on my kindle fire.
And Brow, we should take HenryP's advice. PM me for mod personal discussion on old decks from now on.
I have exactly the same problem with money. I literally just fixed and made a deck monday. Ya it is hard exspecially with how money is now a days. Sorry to say but that is one of the things about playing TCG.
You don't miss decks that get rotated out anywhere near as long as you think. A few months before the rotation, I was thinking I'd never get over losing my Charizard deck. Then about a month before it, I found a new love (Lucario, which I continue to use as my main deck) and got over the fact I'd be losing Charizard. :p It's hard on casual players (mostly little kids) because they don't have a huge number of cards, and the ones they do have are basically from random sets, but not so much on anyone that gets more than an average of like 1-2 boosters a week in cards. It's also easier on people that go for the newer sets rather than the older ones. Yeah, sure, I personally get every Unleashed pack I see (I have had very little of them, I still only have 2 Zubat...), but I mainly focus on newer sets. (Mostly Emerging Powers as of late.) Although, I do have to say, I hope the next rotation will be CL-on, given none of my current decks are based mostly on BW cards. >.> (That's another thing about rotations, you sometimes end up having no deck you can adapt, so have to start from scratch.)
Yeah, you take your deck and adapt it. Take out the old, bring in new. If you have a deck that you havent modified since the last rotation, chances are you will have to start from scratch the next rotation.

I think that's a good way to keep the game fresh and continue selling. Because the incentive to buy boosters would diminish if you were able to play any card you want. Let alone how broken it would be.

The creators see first hand in competitions what they like and what they dont. Exploits dont get re-printed. Balanced cards find their way into mainstream formats and get reprinted every 2 years or so.

I just started buying again and was never into the competitive part of tcg so I bought quite a few hg/ss booster packs (for gengar prime) and later realized I had maybe half a year before they couldn't go into a modified deck. =( sad, but you move on and now im looking forward to a Mewtwo ex deck. Goodluck with that and you can always play unlimited if you're short on cash.