On buying code cards


Aspiring Trainer
I play TCGO online so obviously the main reason I buy boosters IRL is to get the code card that comes with. But I was always hesitant to buy the codes themselves for fear that they're already used. I actually had that happen with a theme deck code. My guess was that somebody entered random codes and got lucky with the card I got. If that can happen just buying a code card, I can only imagine how easy it would be to give you code cards that are already used.

Has that ever happened to anyone?
I have bought codes of ebay for probably 10 times or more and have never had any bad experiences. Yeah, one seller did give me two redeemed code, but I just told him and he gave me new ones so it probably was just a mistake. It is quiet common that the seller mess up the spelling on 1 code or 2 so the code come up as invalid, but they always fix that if you tell them. If the seller have good feedback its usually safe! :)
Videoland said:
I have bought codes of ebay for probably 10 times or more and have never had any bad experiences. Yeah, one seller did give me two redeemed code, but I just told him and he gave me new ones so it probably was just a mistake. It is quiet common that the seller mess up the spelling on 1 code or 2 so the code come up as invalid, but they always fix that if you tell them. If the seller have good feedback its usually safe! :)

Ah so they give you the codes, but not the cards. I guess it doesn't matter as long as they give you the right codes. It's a shame that the TCG doesn't sell a pack of just code cards. I'm sick of getting good cards IRL and crap in TCGO (which is the reason I buy the cards in the first place).