Ruling One question!



you supond there are two different pokemon with the equal poke-power and the power say: this power can't be used more than 1... for this turn.
can you use one power of one pokemon and then use the equal power with the other pokemon??
I will wait your answers!
If it says "You can't use more than 1 X Poke-Power this turn", you can't use it again regardless of Pokemon. However, if it doesn't, you can use it again for each Pokemon you have in play with that abliity.
To the extent of my knowledge there is no case in which this exists. On the off chance that it does, you would not be able to use the second Power. When a Power says that it refers to the name of the Power and regardless of the fact that they are on two different Pokemon you would only be able to use one of the powers. Again, I do not believe that this case exists but I may be wrong.

Hope that I was of some help.
It exists in several places in Unlimited (for example, Flygon ex d and Dark Tyranitar both have Sand Damage). And it works exactly as you describe.