TCGplayer is extremely proud to present our brand new Online Pokemon Deck Builder (and Pokedex!) to the community. This is considered “Beta” even though it is pretty polished already. I also want to provide some key notes ahead of time to help answer any questions. But remember, we need YOUR help in testing this great new feature!
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* You must be a registered Forum member at TCGplayer to Save your Deck to our database. This is a free service though. So even if you do not register you will be able to view your Deck, print it out, or copy it into any forum board post.
* The Entry Box uses AutoFill. So if you hit the letter “P”, you will begin seeing Pachirisu, Pikachu etc. As you type the next letter it further limits the results.
* There can be a small annoyance if you have AutoFill setup in your browser also. As if you already entered an Alamar Ironhoof your browsers AutoFill and ours can both appear. We hope to fix this later, but choosing either works perfectly.
Outside of that we are very open to whatever suggestions you can provide. And I will start off with a few questions to the community and items we absolutely plan to do shortly.
* We will be adding the ability to Rate other members Deck's very soon. But for now you can leave comments. This can almost be like an online Deck Garage as any member can leave comments and rate a deck.
* We will also have an advanced search page very soon that will allow to search for Deck's with a certain pokemon/card in them etc
* Anything else you would like to see let us know!
In closing, I am also pasting a copy of Serrio16's Annihila-tor deck below. This using the Forum Board pastable copy/paste code that will work for any forum boards!
Deck Name: Annihila-tar
By: TCGplayer
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4 Larvitar
4 Pupitar
4 Sableye
4 Sneasel
4 Tyranitar
4 Weavile
4 Bebe's Search
2 Cynthia's Feelings
4 Felicity's Drawing
2 Night Maintenance
2 Professor Oak's Visit
4 Roseanne's Research
18 Darkness Energy
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* You must be a registered Forum member at TCGplayer to Save your Deck to our database. This is a free service though. So even if you do not register you will be able to view your Deck, print it out, or copy it into any forum board post.
* The Entry Box uses AutoFill. So if you hit the letter “P”, you will begin seeing Pachirisu, Pikachu etc. As you type the next letter it further limits the results.
* There can be a small annoyance if you have AutoFill setup in your browser also. As if you already entered an Alamar Ironhoof your browsers AutoFill and ours can both appear. We hope to fix this later, but choosing either works perfectly.
Outside of that we are very open to whatever suggestions you can provide. And I will start off with a few questions to the community and items we absolutely plan to do shortly.
* We will be adding the ability to Rate other members Deck's very soon. But for now you can leave comments. This can almost be like an online Deck Garage as any member can leave comments and rate a deck.
* We will also have an advanced search page very soon that will allow to search for Deck's with a certain pokemon/card in them etc
* Anything else you would like to see let us know!
In closing, I am also pasting a copy of Serrio16's Annihila-tor deck below. This using the Forum Board pastable copy/paste code that will work for any forum boards!
Deck Name: Annihila-tar
By: TCGplayer
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4 Larvitar
4 Pupitar
4 Sableye
4 Sneasel
4 Tyranitar
4 Weavile
4 Bebe's Search
2 Cynthia's Feelings
4 Felicity's Drawing
2 Night Maintenance
2 Professor Oak's Visit
4 Roseanne's Research
18 Darkness Energy