opening booster for lvl x

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Aspiring Trainer
okey well i was just wondering when you open boosters with diamond and pearl set and try to get the lvl x card.  is it located in the center of the booster box?  i was just wondering because i think there's a place for it but im not sure.  i know from my experience with the ex series card if u want ex card there's one around top, middle, and bottem.
There's no guaranteed amount per box I think. The odds for pulling some number of LVL Xes are just the same every time, that's why there seems to be a logic in it but trust me, there isn't.
I dont think there is any specific location lv.X's are put in but I do believe they are 1 per box due to the number of them released in the set compared to EX pokes.
yes i well thanks anyways i tried it out and lol didn't work haha...i when into the middle of the booster box and bought 6 pack...well didn't get anything good so was an experiement i tried. well for the ex series booster box my methood above does seem to work. i've tried it a few times and i do know they're not next to each other or 2-3 booster away..well though i might add this info for anyone who hasn't been opening anything good like me.
what cards did you get. Were any of them any good even though they werent Lv. X?
I think we have established in the past that there is no way of telling where these cards appear in a box. Even if there was you would have to get a booster before everybody else because if you don't then the pack will have been moved.
I opened two boxes of Diamond and Pearl. Each box contained one level X card. Oddly, both cards were found on the lower portion of the left stack. They were the 2nd and 3rd last pack from the bottom. Don't know if it is coincidence or not. Just know I have one Empoleon X and one Infernape X.
so is it confirmed that 1 box got 1 lvl x?
and just to let you all know i couldn't even get 1 yet.
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