over hyped cards/decks

Hippo (It was a little hyped)
Honchy SV

I actually dont think that amphjytric was overhyped, its actually better than its cracked up to be.
Rayquayza C X
Absol G x
Dusknoir (It was OK for a while)
Tangrowth X
Darkrai X
Porygon-Z (Tool)
AMU (I guess it was good in the day...)
Rhyperior variants
Gliscor Varients
Blastoise Pt
Blaziken FB

Those are the most overhyped that I can think of.
I have a absoltoolbox got 4th at brs also did you get the decklist I sent you my version pretty anti meta I coul post a list if you wanted
Yes I did. (Please discuss this through PM)

As for Absol, it wasn't a complete let down, but if you remember, it was thought of so highly when we first got the scans. People were saying that everyone would play it and that it would be one of the BD'sIF. It never lived up to that expectation.
i won 3 BR's with absol :D.

blaziken is also pretty good in blazeRay. other than that, i agree with everyone on the lists
I won a cities with Absol G/Blaziken FB. They work surprisingly well against a lot of common metagame things. At least for me, where Dialga G, Speedrill, and Gengar are everywhere.
Juliacoolo said:
Dusknoir (It was OK for a while)
Blaziken FB

Those are the most overhyped that I can think of.

I am not sure if a card that was once very dominant and a card that is very popular and effective now count as "over-hyped".
Well, since DP is still here, I will list all of the decks since DP was released that were hyped but failed.
Also, I do know that these cards were/are played, but their predicted impact on the meta was non-existent, ergo, making it a failed hype.

Infernape DP
Rhyperior DP
Luxray DP/Dusknoir DP
Ambipom MT
Feraligatr MT
Honchkrow MT
Garchomp MT
Tyranitar MT
Ampharos SW
Flygon SW
Both Gastrodon's SW
Salamence SW
Minun SW
Pidgeot SW
Plusle SW
Swampert GE
Altaria GE
Houndoom GE
Mawile GE
Weezing GE/Anything that poisons
Huntail GE
Gorebyss GE
Relicanth GE
Kabutops MD
Phione MD
Aerodactyl MD
Dragonite LA
Luxray LA
Metagross LA
Yanmega LA
Armaldo LA
Bellossom LA
Groudon LA
Jirachi LA
Kyogre LA
Victreebel LA
Lanturn LA [Both]
Tentacruel LA
Infernape SF
Empoleon SF
Bronzong SF
Drifblim SF
Rapidash SF
Tangrowth SF
Vespiquen SF
Farfetch'd SF
Electrode SF #36
Rampardos PT
Slaking PT
Weavile G PT
Altaria PT
Banette PT
Beautifly PT
Dugtrio PT
Golduck PT
Gyarados G PT
Ludicolo PT
Mightyena PT/Skuntank G
Shiftry RI
Hippowdon RI
New Age Eeveelutions
Forretress G RI
Kecleon RI
Turtwig GL RI
Weezing RI
Fan Rotom RI
Absol G SV
Drifblim FB SV
Garchomp SV
Metagross SV
Rhyperior SV
Venusaur SV
Yanmega SV
Exploud SV
Honchkrow SV
Lunatone SV
Primeape SV
Solrock SV
Chatot G SV
Dragonite FB SV
Charizard PA
Kabutops PA
Luxray PA
Toxicroak PA
Porygon-Z G

Overhyped LV. X's:
Empoleon Lv. x
Infernape Lv. x
Electivire Lv. x
Magmortar Lv. x
Honchkrow Lv. x
Garchomp Lv. x
Rhyperior Lv. x
Raichu Lv. x
Drapion Lv. x
Giratina Lv. x
Shaymin Lv. x [Body]
Alakazam 4 Lv. x
Gallade 4 Lv. x
Hippowdon Lv. x
Absol G Lv. x
Electivire FB Lv. x
Rayquaza C Lv. x
Staraptor FB Lv. x
Tangrowth Lv. x

Overhyped T/S/S:
Fossil Excavator
Lake Boundary
Team Galactic's Wager
Time Space-Distortion
Team Galactic's Mars
Energy Link
Conductive Quarry
Level Max
Miasma Valley
Pokemon Contest Hall
Sunnyshore City Gym
Champion's Room
Battle Tower
Bench Shield
Department Store Girl
Lucky Egg

My Top 5 most failed hypes[Decks and cards]...
5. Hippowdon/Flygon: This was supposed to be all the rage in the coming months. Regionals had just conclude. With Nationals right around the corner, this deck took some BR's and was looking like the favorite for Nationals.... wasn't it? The thread became like a cult, where it would suck a player into believing that the deck could topple any mountain in it's way by having Hippowdon plow right through it like a paper bag. Even if you tested the deck and found the sub par results, it's ok because every 5 games you would get an amazing hand and that would restore your faith in the card! I truly feel sorrow for the people that used this deck at the 2009 National Championships. I am sure maybe 1 or 2 made top cut, however, it most likely wasn't enough to suffice for the suffering that the community suffered from having to test against it knowing it would be played due to its hype.

4. Ampharos/Manectric Why is this deck on the list? It is played, right? Of course it is. You will find this deck at your local tournament now and then, however , the predicted impact on the meta was that anything with Claydol would be punished. But what if your opponent plays their own Manectric? It’s alright, you have Ampharos SW/PT’s body AND Crobat G’s to your disposal to stop that Claydol in it’s tracks. Dialga G Lv. X, won’t that stop me? Aha! You only THINK that it will stop you, because with Manectric and Ampharos having resistance to Dialga G, there is no way that it can beat you…. That was the mind of an Amphytric player around States and Regionals 2009. It had all the matchups, with its bad one being Hippowdon/Flygon. So, 2009 States come and go, and, well, check this out and tell me how many Amphytric’s you see racking up the free invites to Nationals… Zero. One did get a 2nd place, but that was the ONLY Amphytric to even get top cut. With a less than stellar States performance, Regionals had to get you the results everyone had strived for, correct? Well, [ur=http://pokegym.net/forums/showthread.php?t=91630&highlight=Ampharos+Manectric/]this[/url] thread seems to prove that Amphytric was a failure. Now with HGSS right around the corner, I am sure that with Great Ampharos coming out that this deck will rise from the grave to make some appearances at States 2010. However, keep this in mind… History LOVES to repeat itself.

3. Mightyena PT/Skuntank G Good old MightyTank. Turn 1 80 damage for 0 energy? Thank you sir, may I have another. This deck swept leagues across the nation with it’s testing for the upcoming 2009 State Championships. Even if you faced Dialga G, you could easily tech in a Houndoom G to take that sucker out fast. Poochyena gets you others so you won’t have to worry about being donked. Gengar? Even if that deck is still played, you have its weakness and can do 100 + Poison to send him to the graveyard without having to worry if that power will take you with it. You can handle the rival Toxitank because you have the upper edge due to resistance. Amphytric is nothing to worry about because if they damage your Skuntank G, you can just Poke Turn it and hit them back hard in return. Unfortunately, the results never came for this deck, and it was shunned to league for the rest of enternity.

2. Mawile GE Mawile… I am ashamed to say that I was a believer of the hype for this amazing card. It all started around the end of the City Championship Season for 2007-2008, and states 2008 were approaching fast. Gardevoir SW/Gallade SW were picking up steam, and the rest of the meta needed a way to counter it, while still having a chance to set up. Their savior? Something Psychic right? Not… exactly… Mawile GE walked in the room and left everyone in a stunned silence. The idea is to flip over your opponent’s prizes and weaken Gallade SW’s attack so it will be rendered useless. It was tested and used… the only problem with everyone’s theory about Mawile was that Gardevoir SW existed…. So while the decks with a Mawile starter flipped the GG’s prizes.. the deck had a surprise for the Mawile player… Gardevoir SW became the main attacker. The Mawile players didn’t know what to do, they panicked in a frenzy, but before they knew it, their Mawile was knocked out and the age of the Plox began… So, you can thank Mawile in a way for helping to generate one of the best decks in the history of the game. So, Mawile, I commend you.

1. Infernape DP/Delcatty PK
What can you say about this deck? IMO, it was the most overhyped deck in the history of the game. If you are a newer play you may not know of the first deck to usher in the era of “donk” to the Pokemon TCG. Please, take a stroll down memory lane with me to relive the past…. It all started back in the year 2006. We had finished our last set with Ex’s and this new mechanic “Lv. X’s” were set to be released. Most people were skeptical as to whether the Lv. X mechanic would enhance the game, or if any of them would be played at all. New Pokemon were released, and we were mesmorized by their names, and how they looked. Dialga and Palkia came in to take the spot of Legendaries to be made 50+ times. Pokemon you didn’t think would evolve had an evolution with Probopass, and Yanmega, making their way onto the scene. You still had the golden oldies like Pikachu though, to keep the old gen players sane – for the most part.

The Diamond & Pearl prereleases had just concluded and there was a rumbling among the Pokemon community. A new deck that seemed to have all the good matchups, and a deck that could hit you for 80 damage on the first turn! Not to mention a Lv. X with the ability to do 150 damage for only 2 Fire, with its previous level helping you meet that requirement!!!! The excitement is building up for INFERNAPE!!!! *takes deep breaths* Sorry about that. The first ever Spring Battle Roads were approaching fast and most players were figured to stick with the decks they knew how to play, but, Infernape was going about to make history and become the most famous.. and infamous deck of the DP Era. Fast forward a bit and the 2006 Spring Battle Roads came and went. What did we find out? Infernape DP had won an astounding 50+ Battle Roads! That is a record that still stands today. With all of the tournaments it has won, it has to be the BDIF - right? Nationals 2006. Infernape DP was set to sweep Masters and solitify itself as top dog in the pound. The problem that the deck didn’t seem to realize was that Lunatone LM and Solrock LM stopped the deck stone cold in it’s tracks and left the ape crippled. Over 40% of the 2006 Masters field was Infernape DP.. after Round 5.. 35% of those players were at the lower tables. Infernape DP has the greatest impact on a Nationals in the history of this game. It caused an entire meta to shift towards it based on the fact it won a lot of Battle Roads. The Great Ape Massacre of 2006 took many rating points from hundreds of players, but, it did win the Senior division so I do suppose that makes up for it doesn’t it? The week after Nationals was a week where people needed to recover from their beloved donker not winning the Biggest Tournament in the US. It seems though that people have learned from their mistakes and don’t play cards like that anymore.. right?

Well, I thank you for taking the time to read this, and I hope you will think more carefully the next time you want to hype something.
