Ruling overzealous?


Why do you bother to even read this?
two questions:
if i have a machamp dp doing dynamic punch and i get heads for the flip, that should be 90 dmg + confusion.then i have a machamp overzealous on the opponent has an ex.does overzealous add more dmg to the 90 dmg?

if i have 2 overzealous at the same time out,do they add 40 or 80 altogether?
everybody in my area says it affects all the machamps on the field.i'm really confused
Well, then... they're wrong. Simple as that. Use some logic. Do you think they would allow a card to increase its damage by 80 and thus make Brick Smah a total of 120 for 2 energies? Or Cross-chop for a possible 140-170? Makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.