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Ozone Destroyer (Typhlosion Prime, Rayquaza & Deoxys legend, Raichu Prime)for states!


Formerly Known as Tybike
here is the deck list:
1 x Raichu LV.X-SF
2 x Raichu-UD
1 x Raichu-HS
3 x Pikachu-HS
2x Spiritomb-AR
1 x Typhlosion-Promo
1 x Typhlosion-HS
2 x Quilava-HS
2 x Cyndaquil-HS
1 x Heatran LV.X-Promo
1 x Heatran-AR
2 x Uxie-LA
1 x Azelf-LA
1 x Rayquaza & Deoxys Legend-UD
1 x Rayquaza & Deoxys Legend-UD

2 x Switch-HS
4 x bebe's search-SW
2 x Copycat-HS
2 x Professor Oak's New Theory-HS
1 x Broken Time-Space-PL
1 x Snowpoint Temple-LA
1 x Indigo Plateau-TU
1 x Burned Tower-UD
2 x Expert Belt-AR

4 x Double Colorless Energy-special
8 x Lightning Energy-Basic
8 x Fire Energy - Basic

Strategy: Get Pikachu, Uxie, Cynaquil, and spiritomb out ASAP.Use spiritomb to evolve the basics so they can attack for lots of damage. Heatran lv. x can attach energy back to the pokemon that discard it.
1 problem, you have 5 Raichus, so dont forget that raichu lv.x still counts as a raichu, so you have to take one out. i suggest replacing 1 regular raichu (not lv.x or prime), and replace it with a Uxie, for draw power.
Aside from the fact that you're running 5 Raichus, I think it's going to be more than a bit of a challenge to get out Raichu Prime, Typhlosion Prime, a Legend, and 3 Lv. X's. Not to mention one of which said Lv. X is extremely slow and tough to get set up(Heatran). Your strategy consists of getting all of the aforementioned Manz out and "doing heavy damage." Mind going into more detail about just how you plan to do this? I don't see much synergy going on here, besides maybe Typhlosion Prime/RDL. Charizard G is it's own deck, and Raichu Lv. X is it's own deck.

Your best bet here is to pick a Pokemon you really like, then build a deck around it, because you've got way too much going on here and you'll lose a TON of consistency trying to get it all out. If I were you, I'd go with the T-Phlosion/RDL combo, since it's really the only synergy you have, and your deck name has a lot to do with RDL.
I'm going to have to agree with XFlameMasterX on this. Although you have a lot of strong attackers in your deck, there's too much going on in order to get them out and attacking. My advice is to choose one of them, and then build a deck around it. Heres a few tips I think can help start you off, I don't know how well this advice will be, but hopefully it will get you on the right track. My other advice is that if you do want to use some of these ideas in a deck, I would print off a few proxys first in order to test that they actually work and that you are confident with them

First off, one trick I like is to play a Jirachi RR and at least 1 Twins. Try and get the Jirachi active asap, and use it to reuse your supporters. Keep it there, setting up your big attacker, until your opponent has to knock it out. Then use it's power to either get the last card to complete your setup, or a Twins which will get you the other 2. It punishes your opponent for taking an early lead, and can help you keep up to speed with your opponent.

The rest of the advice depends on what kind of deck you want to build

Raichu Prime: A 4-4 or 3-3-1 line for Raichu is your best bet. I would also play Pachirishus from COL, since you can use its power, as well as Raichu's power in order to get an attack each turn (just be weary of Power Spray and Mesprit). Also run a few Super Scoop Ups/Seekers to reuse Parchrishus power and run a few Fishermen to get back the discarded energy. Going for Raichu lvX has it's advantages and disadvantages, you can attack twice and potentially take 2 prizes a turn, but will have to discard 5 energy to do so. I would start without it just now, and then after you play with the deck for a few games, decide whether you want a Raichu LvX in or not.

Typhlosion Prime: I recently built a deck around the HGSS Typhlosions. A 4-2-4 or 4-3-4 line of Typhlosions should be your aim, and I think either 2 or 3 primes and 1 or 2 of the other HGSS/COL Typhlosion will work best in this deck. You might also want Ninetales COL for drawpower. I would also add a Nidoqueen RR if you have it at the moment. If not, wait until B&W cards come out here, and add a Serperior (they both heal the damage added using Afterburner between turns).

RDL : If you want to build a legend deck, you will need 2 of each half of the legend. Typhlosion Primes (or a Heatran LvX, your choice) is a much needed card in order to recover energy. You also need ways of getting the 2 energy types you need into your hand. Either Interviewers Questions, Cyrus Conspiracy or Energy Exchanger is your best choice. This plan is probably the one I would recomend the least out of the three. It's set-up sounds a little more complex then the other 2, and legends tend to cost more then Primes as well.

Hope This Helped you out a bit, and good luck with your deck building
One more thing, you should change the way you have the decklist posted, this way it makes it easier for people to understand. This is how it should look:

Pokemon: 22
3-3-1 Raichu Lv. X(Pikachu HS, 1 Raichu HS, 2 Raichu UD)
2-2-2 Typhlosion Prime(1 HS)
1-1 Heatran LV. X
1-1 RDL
2 Spiritomb AR
2 Uxie LA
1 Azelf LA
This makes your lines so much easier to read, rather than scanning through random lines of Pokemon and trying to pick out what you specifically run.