Packs or Tin?


Advanced Member
Alright, I have $16. I can either buy 4 packs of PT or one of the new Dialga, Shaymin, or Giratina Tins. Which one should I get?


  • More chance of Shaymin Lv. X Land
  • More cards people want to trade for
  • They're the newest packs


  • I only need Shaymin Lv. X Land and some RH from this set
  • I already have 2 Shaymin Lv. X Land


  • I get one of those fancy little Lv. X (lol)
  • Chance at getting TSD
  • It does come with 2 PT packs
  • I need another tin for storage purposes

  • Unless I get a Lv. X, TSD or really good RH from SF, I don't need the MT or SF packs they come with
  • Only 2 PT packs
  • I don't really need the Lv. X in the tins

LMK what you guys think
Hmm, though choice. If you don't really need anything from SF or MT, then I personally would go with the 4 packs. The Level Xs in these tins aren't that good (especially Dialga, bleck.) so unless you actually need it or know someone who'd trade for it, the tin promo wouldn't be worth it.

Or, you could always save the money for a later date, like when BET comes out in English.
PokeChamp: If I got one tin, it'd be the Giratina one because I already have a pack Shaymin X, and no use for a Dialga Lv. X. I'm a player, not a collector.

Blue: Yeah, that's what I'm leaning towards. I want the cards before States, and I'll likely trade most of the stuff I get no matter what I do get.
I'd say tin. I pretty much only buy tins and boxes of packs. That way I'm guranteed to get at least one thing I want. I hate dropping 4 bucks on a pack and end up getting a stupid rare and nothing good.
amisheskimoninja said:
I'd say tin. I pretty much only buy tins and boxes of packs. That way I'm guranteed to get at least one thing I want. I hate dropping 4 bucks on a pack and end up getting a stupid rare and nothing good.

Well, I'm getting 4 packs either way.

CuboneGirl98 said:
I say tin, it is MUCH of a better deal.

How so? I get 2 packs I don't really need and a Lv. X that I don't need either.
Yes, the Level X is the only reason you should be getting the tin, and if you don't need that, then there is little to no point in getting the tin, especially when you don't need cards from the set. (Or have a 1% chance of getting them, like with TSD or a certain RH.)
ESP said:
PokeChamp: If I got one tin, it'd be the Giratina one because I already have a pack Shaymin X, and no use for a Dialga Lv. X. I'm a player, not a collector.

Blue: Yeah, that's what I'm leaning towards. I want the cards before States, and I'll likely trade most of the stuff I get no matter what I do get.

girantina has a tin coming out. When??

I'd say tin...
Get the tin. Any other cards that are not trainers/energies you could just trade to me
I think Tins are a good deal, but if there isn't anything in them that you need, then I would get the packs.
I know this is off topic, but rather than making a SECOND Dialga Lv.X tin, they should of made a Dialga[G] Lv.X tin. It's a much better card and it's simply stupid making 2 different tins with the same promo.
If you need Rare Holos, Just buy singles...
If you don't buy on ebay or have a shop that sells singles then just get packs.
Yeah, I'll buck the trend and say packs. If you don't need the Lv.X, then don't bother with a Tin. More chances of RH and Shaymin, although if you want that, just buy the card itself. >__>

dmaster out.
I'd go with a tin. The stupid things still haven't shwon up here yet! And only 3 stores have packs as it is!