Palkia G Lock (w/ Dialga) a.k.a Legos or Feraligatr/Blastoise PT for States?

Palkia G Lock (w/ Dialga) a.k.a Legos or Feraligatr/Blastoise PT for States?

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Cooler than a Bose-Einstein Condensate
Title says it all.

Legos or Feraligatr/Blastoise PT for States?

If you think that another deck is better, explain why in your post!

BTW, I live in New York City, so my metagame is pretty mixed up.

I know that Donphan Prime and Mr. Mime MT is going to be used often.

I'm in Seniors, BTW.

Thanks in advance!
Duskbunny said:
OK, I personally am ADDICTED to flygon decks. I mean, he looks cool, he won worlds, and there are so many versions to play him in. now that DCE came out, I am convinced that he can win worlds again now that he is one of the fastest setups in the meta. with the slowking from HGSS flygons pokebody is broken now.

I say flygon.

In which division did he win worlds? In juniors? Was he part of that SP toolbox? Or was it the seniors SP toolbox he was in? Or wait no-was it gayRaybees that he was in that made him win? And Slowking doesn't make his body broken, it helps, but doesn't make it broken.
Duskbunny said:
OK, I personally am ADDICTED to flygon decks. I mean, he looks cool, he won worlds, and there are so many versions to play him in. now that DCE came out, I am convinced that he can win worlds again now that he is one of the fastest setups in the meta. with the slowking from HGSS flygons pokebody is broken now.
In what way? As I recall, T1-2 60 is a standard for this format. Flygon struggles out of the cage. Flygon folds to any good form of control early game. Which division did it win? I only watched MA.

Also, Flygon is madly inconsistant. Sometimes it gets a Gawd start, sometimes it just roles over on its back asking for a tummy rub

Honestly, I'd go for SP something, or jumpluff. Ensure that you have a mime counter.