Palkia G Lock (With Dialga G), SpreadGar, or Flyphan?

Which Deck is Better?

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Cooler than a Bose-Einstein Condensate
Which do you think is the best deck:

Palkia G Lock, SpreadGar, or FlyPhan?

Or if you pick other, please post your choice and explain why.

I need to pick something for states and I need a deck to play.

I know and understand that there will never be "The Best Deck", as all has their strengths and weaknesses, but there must be one that is better than most of the format!

I'm going to say it all depends on what the strong decks are in your area. Where I live, Gengar is quite popular. So it all really depends on your opponents. So its all on luck of who you are facing. I mean say you get to nationals or so, you have no idea what deck you'd be up against. It'd all be up to luck that your deck is strong enough and has the advantage against some of your opponents.
I live in New York City, so my metagame is pretty mixed up.

I'm not sure what the metagame actually is, but I the decks I saw at the City Championships were:

Blaziken PT with Blaziken FB tech



I didn't see many decks, just the ones I played against (which are listed).

I'm in Seniors, BTW.
Hi. We're in the same metagame, and I would say to not use any of those decks and go with Feraligatr Prime. 2 cards I know will be used often in NY are Donphan Prime and Mr Mime MT. Donphan isn't that hard an opponent for Feraligatr to beat, and Mr. Mime doesn't stop Feraligatr like it does the other decks. You can run Feraligatr with cards that can take advantage of the Energy like Blastoise PT or attack with Feraligatr.
If you can't use Feraligatr for whatever reason, I would use Palkia G lock. I've used it before and it is pretty consistent and not many people I know prepare for it much.
Hope this helps!