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Aspiring Trainer
Experience: Intermediate

Pokemon 13
  • 3 Palkia EX
  • 2 Snorlax (PLS)
  • 4 Deoxys EX
  • 2 Thundurus EX
  • 1 Keldeo EX
  • 1 Sigilyph (DRX)

Trainers 35
  • 4 Professor Juniper
  • 4 N
  • 3 Skyla
  • 1 Colress
  • 2 Shadow Triad
  • 4 Hypnotoxic Laser
  • 3 Float Stone
  • 3 Colress Machine
  • 2 Max Potion
  • 1 Ultra Ball
  • 1 Team Plasma Ball
  • 2 Virbank City Gym
  • 1 Frozen City
  • 2 Tool Scrapper
  • 1 Super Rod
  • 1 Dowsing Machine (ACE-SPEC)

Energy 12
  • 4 Double Colorless Energy
  • 4 Prism Energy
  • 4 Plasma Energy

I saw this deck and thought it was interesting. You mainly attack with Palkia, using Strafe, and bring up Snorlax so they can't retreat. At the end, you can either Teampact with Snorlax, or Helix Force with Deoxys.
Interesting deck concept. First of all, you've listed 35 trainers, not 33.

Why no Colress Machine?
Oops, Made a counting Mistake. I also don't know why I forgot to put Colress Machine in this deck. I'll put it in.

+3 Colress Machine
-2 Muscle Band
-1 Plasma Ball
why not ultra ball? you can pay with energy and raiden knucle them back.

- 2 Team Plasma Ball
+ 3 Ultra Ball
why? because you will
- 1 Colress
a 4-4-3-2 JNSS supporter line is already Ideal for plasma boxes

I had my doubts about max potion here, but if you use it correctly (that means that you can pull it when you need it) It will work marvels, how? use it for thundurus only, there it will not hurt energy loss, and also you can keep it vanguard and doing his recycle magic and healing him... also Keldeo can prove a nice shield on harsh situations. But since you run only 2:

- 1 Dowsing Machine
+ 1 Computer Search

That way you have 4 direct search cards.. and by the time you need the 3rd max p. you will not need it at all.

Talking about putting something for the strafe... why not item-lock? you can easily make space for a 2-2 line... here as follows:

- 1 Float stone
- 1 Frozen City
- 1 HTL
- 1 Snorlax/Palkia Ex
+ 2-2 Trevenant.

changes are minor, deck's fine as it is... it's up to you to play test and see how it works better
I agree with most of the things that you have, including adding in Ultra Ball, but I want to keep in Colress, as my bench will most likely be full. I don't agree with adding Trevenant, because of the way that people use it. I feel like just preventing a retreat is better for this deck, than item lock is. I was thinking of Sigilyph because it can be a 1 of tech, and something that could stall against EX-Attackers, and possibly attack if needed.

+1 Ultra Ball
+1 Sigilyph
-1 Team Plasma Ball
-1 Snorlax
In any case keep snorlax, if the strategy is a no-retreat stall than you need him the most. Better get rid of Frozen or a lasser to fit the Sigilyph
Pookapotamus said:
Would Sigilyph DRX be good in this deck for something to Strafe to?
Depends upon your matchup. For example, if you are playing against a deck with lots of EX Poke, then yes.