A little while back, a Promo card for Pangoro (a Fighting type, rather than the usual Dark) with the Benevolent Boss ability. In case you are not aware, this means it receives +20 HP foe each of your Benched Pokémon, as long as Pangoro is your active. When combined with a full bench and Sky Field, the 100 HP Pangoro turns into a 260 HP behemoth. When combined with healing cards such as Pokémon Center Lady and Max Potion, it becomes near impossible to take down and thus makes it an effective centerpiece for an overkill mill deck.
Crawdaunt's Unruly Claw ability allows you to discard Energy from your opponent's Pokémon when you evolve. This furthers your control strategy whilst also taking up the bench space that Pangoro lives off
Pokémon: 20
4x Pangoro (XY36)
4x Pancham (BKP)
3x Tapu Lele-GX (GRI)
4x Shaymin-EX (ROS)
2x Crawdaunt (PRC)
2x Corphish (PRC)
1x Dragonite-EX (EVO)
Items: 17
4x Enhanced Hammer
4x Ultra Ball
4x Max Potion
1x VS Seeker
2x Float Stone
2x Field Blower
Supporters: 19
4x Team Flare Grunt
4x Team Rocket's Handiwork
2x Team Skull Grunt
3x Pokémon Center Lady
4x Delinquent
2x Lysandre
Stadiums: 4
4x Sky Field
Energy: 0
This deck is thoroughly adapted to get around Garbodor (GRI). Not many Items would be played in that match up and, because of the healing cards, you really need to be OHKOing Pangoro to win.
Crawdaunt's Unruly Claw ability allows you to discard Energy from your opponent's Pokémon when you evolve. This furthers your control strategy whilst also taking up the bench space that Pangoro lives off
Pokémon: 20
4x Pangoro (XY36)
4x Pancham (BKP)
3x Tapu Lele-GX (GRI)
4x Shaymin-EX (ROS)
2x Crawdaunt (PRC)
2x Corphish (PRC)
1x Dragonite-EX (EVO)
Items: 17
4x Enhanced Hammer
4x Ultra Ball
4x Max Potion
1x VS Seeker
2x Float Stone
2x Field Blower
Supporters: 19
4x Team Flare Grunt
4x Team Rocket's Handiwork
2x Team Skull Grunt
3x Pokémon Center Lady
4x Delinquent
2x Lysandre
Stadiums: 4
4x Sky Field
Energy: 0
This deck is thoroughly adapted to get around Garbodor (GRI). Not many Items would be played in that match up and, because of the healing cards, you really need to be OHKOing Pangoro to win.