Parallel City Promo for City Championships

What, no more stitch foil at all? Even for cities promos? That's rather disappointing to hear... This would have been quite a card to get in stitch foil.
I was hoping for a reverse Parellel City in my Breakthrough box, but alas I didn't get one. Is it as I imagined? Is it really that pretty?!
I want 1! Unluckily here where I live, in Argentina, there isn't any Local Competition, except from Buenos Aires (I think).
What, no more stitch foil at all? Even for cities promos? That's rather disappointing to hear... This would have been quite a card to get in stitch foil.
What is a stich foil? Is it the type of foil on league rewards? Are league promos now 'regular' reverse?
Anyway this promo looks nice :)
What is a stich foil? Is it the type of foil on league rewards? Are league promos now 'regular' reverse?
Anyway this promo looks nice :)

Yep! Stitch Foil is exactly that. Right now they're regular generic reverse holo, unfortunately. It probably means they're on a tight budget with this most likely. Even though printing cards like Flabebe as a League Reward and wasting paper on TCGO Codes really isn't helping keep people motivated in League Play.

The Skyla from BCR was just Mirror Reverse in its League printing
maybe its just the Trainer cards now.

Yeah it was that kind of reverse holo. Which was kind of a bummer when they switched to that. They went back to stitch foil for a while but are back to ugly looking reverse holos. However the only real difference with this Parallel City is that it has the stamp on it.