Patrick Swayze dies


Guess who's back (kinda)? Back again (kinda)
After a long and excruciating battle with Cancer, actor, singer, and songwriter Patrick Swayze dies at age 57.

I am like going to go watch Dirty Dancing in his honor now.

Seriously, it is sad he died. He had Pancreatic Cancer, which has a very low living rate. He lived a long time compared to how long the average person lives once diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer.
So^? -___-

You forgot dancer and cowboy in your list, Gale.

It's sad to see him die, yet it was expected. He did have a (small) chance to live though.

dmaster out.
Yeah he had cancer of the pancreus. Correct me if that is spelt wrong. He was the best in Ghost and many more movies. Rest in piece. He interviewed with Barbra Walters last year and talked about the progession but it got him.:)
^ My bad. >__>

Also, Noob Sandwich, you've never seen Dirty Dancing or Ghost? That's a shame if you haven't. Oh well. /:
I have no clue who he is, but I'm sure he was a respected man. RIP Patty.
He was a good actor who took part in some good movies (Dirty Dancing was his highlight). He at least died with his family by his side.
I actually got Ghost in a Burger King Happy meal a long time ago but I don't have the movie now as I am not sure where it is now.:)
Galefail said:
^ My bad. >__>

Also, Noob Sandwich, you've never seen Dirty Dancing or Ghost? That's a shame if you haven't. Oh well. /:

Never mind, I actually forgot he was in Donnie Darko and Red Dawn. Two awesome movies.
really lol I watch it on VHS I got so many movies VHS and DVD that I don't bother with Cable movie channels.

seriously though I must have over 3,000 movies with both VHS and DVD combined.