Ruling pelliper?


Aspiring Trainer
for delta transport if the active pokemon is delta and you want to switch with a pokemon on your bench that is not delta are you alowed to do that?
What Char said. Unless thier both non delta.
Basically thier has to be a delta Pokemon in the switch.
Tip: Try it out with Aggron ex [cg]
Andyman, you made a mistake. You simpley switch as long as the active pokémon is delta.


Active: Flygon Ex d
Bench: Jolteon Ex, Pelipper d
You are allowed to switch Flygon Ex d with Jolteon Ex or Pelipper d

Active: Flygon Ex d
Bench: Flygon Ex d, Pelipper d
You are allowed to switch Flygon Ex d with Flygon Ex d or Pelipper d

Active: Espeon Ex
Bench: Flygon Ex d, Pelipper d
You aren't Allowed to switch Espeon Ex With Flygon Ex d or Pelipper d

Active: Umbreon Ex
Bench: Espeon Ex, Pelipper d
You Aren't Allowed to switch Umbreon Ex with Espeon Ex or Pelipper d

Active: Pelipper d
Bench: Flygon Ex d
You aren't allowed to switch Pelipper d with Flygon Ex d. Because Peliper d Needs to be Benched

Hope you still get it.
Oh I see.

When I read it I read it like this:
You may switch 1 of your Active Pokémon that has on its card with 1 of your Benched Pokémon.

When it should be:
You may switch 1 of your Active Pokémon that has [delta-sign] on its card with 1 of your Benched Pokémon.