People Not To Battle on RedShark


PokéBeach Strategist and Deck Maniac
This is a list of cheaters/quitters/etc. on RedShark:

Alexir or Alexirboy:
-He said he didn't know how to play RS but, he did every action extremely fast.
-He used a Roseannes for a Darkrai Lv.X and tells me I am wrong.
-I get the ruling and while he was waiting, He decided to draw extra cards from his deck to "get my attention."
-I evolve my Bronzor into Bronzong and he says I just played Bronzor down when I played Bronzor down 2 turns ago.
-I play down a Dusknoir DP and use Dark Palm. He doesn't like that and quits the game.
-He then won't stop talking to me on Hamachi and denies everything he has done.



- Cheated by shuffling things into their deck
- Quit the game early as they were about to lose


I just did a search under that name. There is no person on these Forums by that name as far as I can tell. It may help to find his PB user name, but that could be hard. I know he exists, though because he asked me for a battle and said he couldn't host. I can't either, so yeah.
Celebi23: It doesn't matter what his Pokebeach name is, it matters what his RedShark name is. He can't cheat you on forums but, he can on RedShark.
Smacktack does have a point celbi. I just hate people who do that kind of stuff. Thanks for warning us though smacktack.
Yeah. I guess.

The only thing I find interesting to have up there is the part about him scooping. I mean, everyone scoops at some point. There's little or no point in playing a match out if you're behind by 4 prizes. I've been annoyed by people who don't scoop, I have to go somewhere, am dominating with 1 prize left, and they don't scoop. I'll say, "Dude. I won." And they'll just go on saying, "How?" Then, right before I'm about to deliver the final blow, they scoop and leave. Other than that, this seems like a good idea. Just my last suggestion.
He didn't scoop. I used Dark Palm and then he actually closed RedShark and came up with some story saying "What happened, why did you quit?" I found this very much annoying because I was trying to help him out (he already knew everything about RedShark but, pretended to be a No0b) and he angered me by his tactics.
Bah. Don't let them down. Eventually, no one will play with those cheaters. Thanks for the notice though (I don't have him on my Hamachi list though).
hahaha he asked me to play and said he didnt know how to use redshark and i didnt feel like teaching him so i just told him i couldnt.
Thanks for the heads up.
No matter what you do, don't battle me. I will cheat when you aren't looking. I KNOW when you aren't looking. I can see through your computer screen.

Really though, don't battle me. I have viruses on my computer. Coming in direct contact with my might fry your CPU.
I'd add JazzyManAlpha to this list. I actually have the log here, he essentially quit before I was going to donk him, after cheating by shuffling a Magnezone into his deck.

Redshark Message Box:
Player A's turn.
Starting Game, Mode: 4 at Sun Feb 8 21:54:36 2009.
: Attempting to connect to Redshark Host ( : 7070)...
: connected to host
In between turns.
Celebi23: (Re)Start game for player B.
Celebi23: *** Shuffles deck ***
Starting Game, Mode 4 at Sun Feb 8 21:54:46 2009.
Celebi23: Draws 7 card(s) from deck.
Celebi23: Sets aside 6 prize cards.
Card Shark: (Re)Start game for player A.
Card Shark: *** Shuffles deck ***
Card Shark: Draws 7 card(s) from deck.
Card Shark: Sets aside 6 prize cards.
Celebi23: Plays a card facedown from hand.
Celebi23: Plays a card facedown from hand.
Card Shark: Plays a card facedown from hand.
Card Shark: h or t
Celebi23: h
Card Shark: *** COIN FLIP *** HEADS (6)
Celebi23: Flips over a Machop playmat card (now faceup).
Celebi23: Flips over a Unown Q playmat card (now faceup).
Player B's turn.
Celebi23: Starts turn 1:1
Celebi23: Draws 1 card(s) from deck.
Card Shark: Flips over a Baltoy playmat card (now faceup).
Celebi23: Attaches a Fighting Energy to Machop
Celebi23: Machop - Kick
Celebi23: Ends turn 1:1
In between turns.
Card Shark: Baltoy damage adjustment: 10, current damage = 10.
Card Shark: Baltoy damage adjustment: 10, current damage = 10.
Player A's turn.
Card Shark: Starts turn 1:2
Card Shark: Draws 1 card(s) from deck.
Card Shark: Attaches a Call Energy to Baltoy
Card Shark: Plays Felicity's Drawing from hand.
Card Shark: Plays Bebe's Search from hand.
Card Shark: Plays Lightning Energy from hand.
Card Shark: Discards Lightning Energy (including attachments, if any) from playmat.
Card Shark: Discards Bebe's Search (including attachments, if any) from playmat.
Card Shark: Draws 4 card(s) from deck.
Card Shark: Plays Unown R from hand.
Card Shark: Unown R - RETIRE
Card Shark: Discards Unown R (including attachments, if any) from playmat.
Card Shark: Draws 1 card(s) from deck.
Card Shark: *** Shuffles deck ***
Card Shark: Shuffles Magnezone (from hand) into deck.
Card Shark: Views deck.
Celebi23: huh?
Celebi23: what?
Celebi23: Quit Game
^^He disconnected there. I guess he forgot about Call Energy.

And here is the chat log after the battle:
Celebi23[21:57:24] << dude
Celebi23[21:58:30] << not cool
Jazz[21:59:03] >> my bad dude
Celebi23[21:59:12] << what did you do?
Celebi23[21:59:14] << and why?
Celebi23[22:00:20] << hello?
Celebi23[22:01:36] << ..

So maybe he messed up, but yeah. It seems a bit weird that he disconnects after cheating when I could have donked him.
Ha ha. I am a bit of a lucksack, but I can't control that. :/ So, Smacktack, are you going to keep the list as is or update it?
JulianPoo quitting and being a newb. He has toxicroack G with 40 damage and i have Uxie with Pluspower and used psychic restore. He said PLUS POWER is an EFFECT i tried to use dark energy to emphasize difference between damage and effect. i nicely tried to explain but instead he quits on me and blocks me. i tried to ask the network we were on (smacktack 5) unfortunately noone replied to clarify.

DeadlyWings: Places Darkness Energy, from playmat, on bottom of deck.
DeadlyWings: Places PlusPower, from playmat, on bottom of deck.
DeadlyWings: Places Uxie, from playmat, on bottom of deck.
DeadlyWings: KO?
DeadlyWings: with plus power
Julian: No Pluspower is a effect
DeadlyWings: no
DeadlyWings: its a damage
DeadlyWings: not an effect
Julian: Effect
DeadlyWings: so is darkn energy also an effect>
Julian: yes
DeadlyWings: hmm no it isnt
DeadlyWings: but it seems you dont know
Julian: but pluspwoer is
DeadlyWings: w8
DeadlyWings: Quit Game
Thanks for letting us know Jariel. And to clear up your argument, PlusPower isn't an effect on Toxicroak G and neither is the Sp. Darkness Energy (if Uxie is Dark). The damage is being added first and then it's being dealt. Sort of like with Gallade where the damage is being added by the number of prizes flipped.
Try not to play Xeanrot. I played him about 3-4 times and all games went the same.

He knows how to play RS, as he does his moves quite quickly. But he misplays A LOT. Not the kind of misplay like bringing out the wrong Pokemon, but like "accidentally" shuffling cards in hand into deck, then drawing them back. Or playing Pokedex, and taking one to the hand and "accidentally" discarding the other, to be reshuffled. It's moves like these PLUS more that happen CONSTANTLY. And ironically, it always happens when I start taking the lead. There was one point where after he drew, he said "I'm going to check my deck to see if I have rare candies", and did so. I told him "You can't just check your deck like that.." and he said "Ok" then reshuffled his deck.

It get's very annoying.

And about scooping when you're losing, everyone does it. Ask Ariados, I do it a lot lol. Only because he get's an early prize card lead, I know he won, and I don't feel like playing Catch Up lol.

While on that subject, DON'T play Ariadosguy. Or then you'll toss and turn in your sleep repeating "No.. Crobat G and Honchkrow G, stay AWAY!!!"