Personal Life Question


Flame me please
Well homecoming dance is coming up in my High School life and there was many suprises. Heres what happened today on the annonucements the office person said that dance tickets will go on sell tommorow, so I yelled crap that gives me three days to get a date.
Well this girl said will you go to the dance with me? and I said maybe but I sort of implied no. I know I can do better but on such short notice I don't know what to do heres my options.

a. Lie to her take someone else to the dance
b. Reject and take someone else
c. Lie say im not going and go single :(
d. don't go at all

I have three days to make my descion so please help fast!
If you're friends with the girl, I don't see why you don't just go with her. If its somebody you don't know, then I don't see the problem in rejecting her. If you've known her for a while but your not friends, then its a problem. I would personally say I'm not interested right now and probly stay home.
you could just go with a friend it doesnt have to be a date...but if i had to choice an answer i'd do b if you really dont want to go with that person
Look, even if this girl IS a friend, I strongly advive either:

1. Get a different date

2. Go alone.

High school is a time where the second you even do anything outside of school with a girl, you are suddenly going out with her and got her pregnant. Go with someone you like or go alone, but don't not go (I hate double negatives-_-)
Well im most likely not going alone anymore. But now my main probably is telling her I have another date.
Panda said:
Well im most likely not going alone anymore. But now my main probably is telling her I have another date.

Dude, it's like a Band-Aid. You can do it slowly and cause tons of pain or just rip it off and get it over with. My advise is go with the second one.