Phazon's Trade Facility
-Don't forget to post in my Player Rep. once we trade
Friend Code
-1117 6726 6174
•Post in the thread to get a trade done, only PM me if you are ready for the trade, not to issue a trade.
•I only take Non-hacked Pokemon (Legit Pokemon).
•Be reasonable and don't ask for a Tyranitar for your Magikarp.
•Any failure of abiding by these rules, I will ignore all of the posts you post about trading Pokemon/Items.
•I list IVs by: HP/Attack/Defense/Sp. Attack/Sp. Defense/Speed
•Think about your post before you type it so people don't T4lk l1k3 tH15 (Talk like this)
•You may not redistribute my (or someone else's) Pokemon unless said other wise, if it doesn't say if it can be redistributed or not than i don't care what you do with it after the trade.
•Please note that some of the Pokemon i am offering have been cloned with AR (Action Replay).
ssb4ever's Note, READ: none of my Pokemon are hacked, if you have any suspicion that any of my Pokemon are hacked, contact me via PM.
Coming Soon
Sec 1) Just in:
Lv. 1
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Inner Focus
IVs: 31/31/18/x/31/31
Egg Moves: Blaze Kick, Bullet Punch, Crunch
~Comment~A Breeding Project for Expert Evan, Quad-Flawless, 3 Egg Moves, and Inner Focus, Perfect for a Physical Sweeper.
Redistributable: No
-Riolu(Spit Back)
Lv. 1
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Inner Focus
IVs: 24/31/31/x/24/31
Egg Moves: Blaze Kick, Bullet Punch, Crunch
~Comment~A Spit Back of the Breeding Project for Expert Evan, Tri-Flawless but this one has 31 Def which can easily make it a perfect Counter killer with out being Flinched to Death.
Redistributable: No
Sec. 1.2) My Pokemon:
Lv. 1
Nature: Modest
Ability: Speed Boost
IVs: 8/24/29/31/31/31
Hidden Power: Dragon 65
~Comment~The first ever Breed by me, don't want to say it's a success, i'll revisit this later. Hopefully the new one will have HP Ice =].
Redistributable: No
-Yanma(Spit Back)
Nature: Modest
Ability: Compoundeyes (Tinted Lens)
IVs: 26/21/26/30/31/31
Hidden Power: Grass 68
~Comment~Great with Choice Specs slapped on it. HP Grass can be very useful when used at the right time.
Redistributable: No
Lv. 40
Nature: Gentle
IVs: 25-27/3-4/31/5-7/30-31/28-29
~Comment~This was just something lying around in my Box on Ruby, Darn nature -_- but 31 in Def is good, plus 30-31 Sp. Def works too, and to think i didn't know what SR was when i caught this =D.
Redistributable: No
Lv. 40
Nature: Relaxed
IVs: 17/25/29/15/4/28
~Comment~Great Def and Atk, with an extra bonus of Speed, Pretty decent competitive shiny.
Redistributable: No
Sec. 2) Redistributable:
-Tyranitar Lv. 100
Nature: Quiet (+Sp. Atk, -Speed)
Ability: Sand Stream
IVs: 31/30/22/31/28/31
EVs: 252 HP/190 Sp. Atk/68 Speed
-Dark Pulse
-Focus Punch
Redistributable: Yes (Expert Even)
-Blissey Lv. 100
Nature: Bold (+Def, -Atk)
IVs: 31/x/31/x/31/x
EVs: 252 HP/Defense/6 Sp.Def
-Seismic Toss
Redistributable: Yes (Expert Even)
Nature: Relaxed (+Def, -Spe)
IVs: 31/31/31/25/30/17
EVs: 238 HP/100 Def/172 SpA (Could be Wrong)
-Rapid Spin
-Ice Beam
Redistributable: Yes (Towelie)
Sec. 2.2) Dittoes:
Lv. 29
Nature: Timid
IVs: 29-30/18-21/0/11-14/30/25-28
Lv. 29
Nature: Rash
IVs: 8-10/31/8-10/25-28/25-31/22-24
Lv. 29
Nature: Naughty
IVs: 29-30/30/29-30/4-7/8-10/11-14
Sec. 3) Legendaies:
-Lv. 100 Lugia (XD Moves)
-Lv. 100 Ho-Oh
-Lv. 40 Regirock
-Lv. 40 Regice (See Good IV Pokemon/Nature Pokemon section)
-Lv. 40 Registeel
-Lv. 70 Rayquaza
-Lv. 100 Shiny Deoxys
-Lv. 50 Azelf
-Lv. 47 Dialga
-Lv. 70 Heatran
-Lv. 70 Regigigas
-Lv. 70 Giritina
-Phione Eggs
-MOVIE DARKRAI untouched
Sec. 4) Unknown background Pokemon:
-Lv. 30 Japanese Shiny Deoxys
-Lv. 47 Palkia
-LV. 70 Giratina
Sec. 5) Shinies:
-Magikarp or Gyarados
-Lickintung or Lickilicky
-Exeggcute or Exeggutor
Sec. 6) Wants:
Lv. 1 or LV. 50 (Dugtrio+EV Trained+Moves)
Nature: Jolly
IVs: x/31/+19/x/+19/31
EVs: Untouched or with 252 Atk/252 Spe/6 Sp D
Stone Edge
Aerial Ace
Sucker Punch
Taken By:
Nature: Hasty
IVs: x/28-31/x/28-31/x/25-31
EVs: Untouched
Ice Beam
Thunderbolt/Shadow Ball
Taken By:
-Ev Trained Pokemon with Good IVs (with an appropriate nature)
-Make an appropriate Offer
Sec. 7) Items I Have:
-Elemental Stones (Excluding Moon, Shiny, Dusk, and Daxn Stone)
-Master Ball x4
-Arceus Plates
Sec. 8) Items I Want:
-TM 13
-TM 26
-TM 29
-Other TMs, too many to post, just post the TMs you have
Sec. 9) Records:
Battles(Starting all over =])-2 Wins/ 4 Losses