The objective of the deck is to use Gengar EX's attack for 1 Psychic and a DCE to hit for 60, poison, and switch with a bench Pokemon. What I usually do is Gengar them, Virbank them, then Robo Subsitute them and stall. Quite easy tactic. This is one of those slower decks, but once everything is set up you just go for game.
3 Gengar EX
2 Wobbufet
2 Sigilyph
2 Skrelp
2 Dragalge
1 Keldeo EX
4 Professor Sycamore
4 N
3 Colress
2 Lysandre
1 Shauna
3 Virbank City Gym
4 Float Stone
3 Muscle Band
3 VS Seeker
3 Robo Substitute
3 Ultra Ball
2 Switch
1 Computer Search
5 Psychic Energy
3 Mystery Energy
The objective of the deck is to use Gengar EX's attack for 1 Psychic and a DCE to hit for 60, poison, and switch with a bench Pokemon. What I usually do is Gengar them, Virbank them, then Robo Subsitute them and stall. Quite easy tactic. This is one of those slower decks, but once everything is set up you just go for game.