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Standard Pikarom Deck List Looking for Suggestions!


Aspiring Trainer
Pikarom deck list

My current pikarom list suggestions are welcome!

Pokemon - 11
2 - pikachu and Zekrom GX Team up 33/181
1 - Raichu and alolan Raichu GX unified minds 221/236
1 - Boltund V rebel clash 067/192
1 - Eldegoss V rebel clash 019/192
1 - dedenne GX unbroken bonds 57/214
1 - Mew unbroken bonds 76/214
1 - Tapu Koko prim star Team up 51/181
3 - Jirachi Team up 91/181

Trainers - 36
1 - Guzma and Hala Tag team
2 - Marine
3 - Volkner
2 - professors research
2 - boss’s orders
1 - mallow and Lana Tag team
4 - quick ball
4 - Electropower
2 - reset stamp
4 - switch
3 - Tag call
1 - Great catcher
1 - Tool scrapper
1 - Pokémon communication
2 - escape board
1 - energy switch
1 - vitality band
1 - Thunder mountain prim star

Energy - 13
9 - lightning energy
4 - speed lightning energy Rebel clash 172/192
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3 tag calls seems a bit much. Maybe add Tag switch. It is nice to be able to power up an attacker out of no where or save energies that were used to power up a gx attack.
Okay so I noticed you tried to combine the Jirachi, Tag Call, and Volkner engines into one list. Each individual engine is supposed to have their own consistency and accomplish something different, and combining them kinda of jumbles them and makes the end result of them very good.

- Jirachi was supposed to help find the means for T1 Full Blitz by digging with Stellar, having a pivot to Koko Prism into a benched Pika and not have to worry about moving the active, as well as having a way to stop getting Stamped to 1-2 and Power Planted. As you may guess, none of these are issues anymore so Jirachi is pretty unnecessary and out of date.

- Tag Call was supposed to be an engine that allowed you to find the T1 Full Blitz off of (usually) one Dedechange and a Tag Call for Guzma Hala and a Pika. Tag Call also lets you capitalize on having a way to search for Mallow Lana, which is good for the Pult matchup.

- Volkner was supposed to be an engine that gives you the most options for making decisions during your turn. If you have a hand with like, Switch, E Radar (Which you should definitely be playing), and Lightning or something along those lines, Volkner was able to find E Switch and your manual attachment/Koko Prism fuel. And if you know you can't Full Blitz turn one you can just set up a Boltund to accelerate by finding Switch or Quick Ball. Past turn one Volkner gives you options to find Tag Switch (Another card you should be playing), Stamp, the single Great Catcher, etc.

The Jirachis are no longer necessary, and Pika absolutely needs 2-3 Dedenne, 2 Boltund, 2 E Radar, 1 Tag Switch and at least 2 Energy Switch. It's also a good idea to be playing 10 Lightning, 3 Research, and a UNB Marshadow because it bumps stadiums when your only Thunder Mountain is prized/gone. It's also your out to beating Swell.
I'd highly recommend Pablo Meza or Nathalia Fernandes' lists from the Players Cup Kickoff Invitational as a base for the Volkner and Tag Call engines respectively.