Help PikaRom - Raichu mixture


Aspiring Trainer
So I have thought about putting PikaRom and Raichu together into one deck, taking PikaRom as a side attacker instead of nuzzle Pikachu to set up Raichu. I'll put the list down here so you can see my roster etc. I would appreciate if you could maybe give me some hints to what I can improve.

3x Raichu GX (Shining Legends)
3x Pikachu (Crimson Invasion)
1x Pikachu & Zekrom GX (Team Up)
1x Tapu-Koko GX (Guardians Rising)
2x Pachirisu (Ultra Prism)
3x Emolga (Team Up)
1x Jirachi (Team Up)
1x Thunder Mountain (Lost Thunder)
1x Viridian Forest (Team Up)
2x Guzma (Burning Shadows)
2x Cynthia (Ultra Prism)
2x Looker (Ultra Prism)
2x Erika's Hospitality (Team Up)
1x Professor Elm's Lecture (Lost Thunder)
1x Lillie (Shining Legends)
4x Electro Power (Lost Thunder)
2x Electrocharger (Team Up)
2x Ultra Ball (Shining Legends)
3x Acro Bike (Celestial Storm)
2x Choice Band (Guardians Rising)
1x Looker Whistle (Ultra Prism)
1x Rescue Stretcher (Guardians Rising)
2x Escape Board (Ultra Prism)
2x Order Pad (Ultra Prism)
2x Timer Ball (Sun & Moon)
1x Energy Retrieval (Shining Legends)
1x Switch (Sun & Moon)
11x Lightning Energy

Thank you very much in advance.
I like the idea, but you really need to test your list a lot.

Before testing, I would already suggest the following:

I see no Tapu Lele GX, only 1 Jirachi and 7 draw supporters of which 2 are Looker.

I guess you need a basic draw engine like 4 Lillie and 4 Cynthia.

With 'ball cards', it's the same. I see 2 Ultra Ball and 2 Timer Ball. You need more consistency, like 4 Ultra Ball, maybe a couple of Nest balls.

Also you are playing Emolga and Pachirisu. If you don't play the Nuzzle Pikachu, I don't think you should play them.

Professor Elm might be good, but I think you can only play it with at least 1 Lele in your deck and more outs to Lele. Otherwise go for the Lillie - Nest Balls turn 1.

So.. we're not there yet, but at least I suggest:
- 3 Emolga
- 2 Pachirisu
- 2 Looker
- 1 Looker Whistle
- 1 Energy Retrieval
- 2 Electrocharger
- 1 Professor Elm's Lecture (only playing one, I guess it's just not enough for only 3 Pikachu, those are the only you can get if you cut Emolga and Pachirisu)
- 2 Order Pad (might be nice, but space is an issue)
- 1 Erika's Hospitality (4 Cynthia, 4 Lillie and 1 Erika should do it I guess)
- 1 Acro Bike (space)

+ 1 Jirachi
+ 2 Cynthia
+ 3 Lillie
+ 1 Tapu Koko Prism
+ 2 Tapu Lele GX
+ 2 Escape Rope / Escape Board / Switch, which you prefer
+ 2 Ultra Ball
+ 3 Nest Ball

If you did this, then start testing. You'll need to tweak your deck further, but I believe at least you will have a better starting point then.

If you wish too, you could also play a little lower count of draw supporters and add some Volkner, they will work great in your deck as well!
I like the idea, but you really need to test your list a lot.

Before testing, I would already suggest the following:

I see no Tapu Lele GX, only 1 Jirachi and 7 draw supporters of which 2 are Looker.

I guess you need a basic draw engine like 4 Lillie and 4 Cynthia.

With 'ball cards', it's the same. I see 2 Ultra Ball and 2 Timer Ball. You need more consistency, like 4 Ultra Ball, maybe a couple of Nest balls.

Also you are playing Emolga and Pachirisu. If you don't play the Nuzzle Pikachu, I don't think you should play them.

Professor Elm might be good, but I think you can only play it with at least 1 Lele in your deck and more outs to Lele. Otherwise go for the Lillie - Nest Balls turn 1.

So.. we're not there yet, but at least I suggest:
- 3 Emolga
- 2 Pachirisu
- 2 Looker
- 1 Looker Whistle
- 1 Energy Retrieval
- 2 Electrocharger
- 1 Professor Elm's Lecture (only playing one, I guess it's just not enough for only 3 Pikachu, those are the only you can get if you cut Emolga and Pachirisu)
- 2 Order Pad (might be nice, but space is an issue)
- 1 Erika's Hospitality (4 Cynthia, 4 Lillie and 1 Erika should do it I guess)
- 1 Acro Bike (space)

+ 1 Jirachi
+ 2 Cynthia
+ 3 Lillie
+ 1 Tapu Koko Prism
+ 2 Tapu Lele GX
+ 2 Escape Rope / Escape Board / Switch, which you prefer
+ 2 Ultra Ball
+ 3 Nest Ball

If you did this, then start testing. You'll need to tweak your deck further, but I believe at least you will have a better starting point then.

If you wish too, you could also play a little lower count of draw supporters and add some Volkner, they will work great in your deck as well!
Okay, thank you! I'm not really into Tapu Lele GX, could 3 Jirachi in total get the Job done too?
Okay, thank you! I'm not really into Tapu Lele GX, could 3 Jirachi in total get the Job done too?

The effectiveness of Jirachi depends on the number of trainer cards in the deck. With a total of 36 trainer cards Jirachi becomes an awesome draw and search engine. The less trainers a deck uses the less effective Jirachi will be. With the number of Lightning support cards that are trainer cards it should not be hard to end with a decent number of trainers in a lightning deck.
The effectiveness of Jirachi depends on the number of trainer cards in the deck. With a total of 36 trainer cards Jirachi becomes an awesome draw and search engine. The less trainers a deck uses the less effective Jirachi will be. With the number of Lightning support cards that are trainer cards it should not be hard to end with a decent number of trainers in a lightning deck.
So Jirachi is a good pick in this deck if I understood it right?