Discussion Pikarom vs Reshizard

Joshua Huggard

Hey guys!

I’m a fairly new Pikarom player and am curious as to how the Reshizard matchup should go. Although I feel it’s quite even and mainly comes down to who can be more aggressive, I’m wondering if there are any strategies/techs that could be implemented into Pikarom to make the matchup more favoured?

All comments welcome!

Hey Josh,

I don't play PikaRom, but I can tell you how the match-up goes out of the ReshiZard perspective.

The problem ReshiZard has is that PikaRom has the ability to power up more than one attacker, and as soon as you kill our ReshiZard we struggle to mount a secondary attacker.

If you can get the Full Blitz attack of on turn 2 to power up a PikaRom/Zeraora on the bench you will be in a very big lead to take the W.

Hey Josh,

I don't play PikaRom, but I can tell you how the match-up goes out of the ReshiZard perspective.

The problem ReshiZard has is that PikaRom has the ability to power up more than one attacker, and as soon as you kill our ReshiZard we struggle to mount a secondary attacker.

If you can get the Full Blitz attack of on turn 2 to power up a PikaRom/Zeraora on the bench you will be in a very big lead to take the W.



Thanks for your comment, that clarifies and makes the matchup a little clearer! Just curious, what variant of Reshizard are you running?

All the best.
Tapu koko gx is a good friend in this matchup.
If they dont get a ko on pikarom (because they whiffed Choice Band or you have aether conservation area) you can hit for 150 x2 which should take down the beast. The tapu koko GX should try to secure the last 3 prizes with its gx attack.
If they bench 3 prizes otherwise: Jirachi, marshadow, miltank etc. Kill those and Tapu koko GX the Reshizard. This should also work.

Good luck!
As a Reshizard Kiawe variant, I can say that Koko GX is an excellent comeback against a fully charged reshizard. I avoid using reshizard’s GX with the full effect on this one, otherwise the punishment is fierce.