Pimplup's Fake Set

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Aspiring Trainer
This is for my fake set with 94 Pokemon!! Click a Pokemon's name to see the card. Cards on in order by card number. If you see anything that sees fixing please tell me. And any comments are welcomed.

  1. Ampharos
  2. Arcanine
  3. Bellossom
  4. Blaziken
  5. Bronzong
  6. Castform-R
  7. Castform-S
  8. Castform-Sc
  9. Electivire
  10. Entei
  11. Heracross
  12. Hitmonchan
  13. Hitmonlee
  14. Hitmontop
  15. Jumpluff
  16. Kangaskhan
  17. Linoone
  18. Luxray
  19. Magnezone
  20. Manectric
  21. Meganium
  22. Mightyena
  23. Nidoking
  24. Nidoqueen
  25. Ninetales
  26. Raikou
  27. Scizor
  28. Suicune
  29. Swalot
  30. Tangrowth
  31. Typhlosion
  32. Venusaur
  33. Vileplume
  34. Wigglytuff
  35. Absol
  36. Bayleef
  37. Castform
  38. Combusken
  39. Dodrio
  40. Drowzee
  41. Electabuzz
  42. Flaaffy
  43. Furret
  44. Girafarig
  45. Gloom
  46. Hypno
  47. Igglybuff
  48. Ivysaur
  49. Jigglypuff
  50. Luxio
  51. Magneton
  52. Miltank
  53. Quilava
  54. Rapidash
  55. Raticate
  56. Roselia
  57. Scyther
  58. Seviper
  59. Skiploom
  60. Spiritomb
  61. Swellow
  62. Tailow
  63. Tangela
  64. Tauros
  65. Zangoose
  66. Bronzor
  67. Bulbasaur
  68. Chikortia
  69. Cyndaquil
  70. Doduo
  71. Electrike
  72. Elekid
  73. Farfetch'd
  74. Growlithe
  75. Gulpin
  76. Hoppip
  77. Lickitung
  78. Magnemite
  79. Mareep
  80. Nidoran-f
  81. Nidran-m
  82. Nidorina
  83. Nidorano
  84. Oddish
  85. Ponyta
  86. Poochyena
  87. Rattata
  88. Sentret
  89. Shinx
  90. Sunflora
  91. Sunkern
  92. Torchic
  93. Vulpix
  94. Zigzagoon

I get most my art from DA, but if you have some art you'd like me to use just PM it to me.
No more fake sets and such for now:


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