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Plasma-Aromatisse / Plasma Pixies (Aromatisse / Plasma EX's / Techs)


Financial Genius
Feel Free to Comment, critique, and use this deck. Here's the list breakdown
Note: Green are the Tech Pokemon I am currently using

Pokemon 9 + 6 Tech Pokemon:

  • 2 Spritzee
    2 Aromatisse
    2 Thundurus EX
    2 Deoxys EX
    1 Genesect EX
    2nd Genesect EX
    3rd Genesect EX
    3rd Thundurus EX
    Keldeo EX
    Palkia EX
    Giratina EX
    Cobalion EX
    Latias EX
    Virizion EX
    Heatran EX
    Entei EX
    Landorus EX
    Lugia EX
    Darkrai EX
    Xerneas EX
    Yveltal EX
    Charizard EX (Combustion Blast)
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums 33:

  • 4 Juniper
    3 N
    3 Colress
    3 Skyla
    1 Shadow Triad
    4 Max Potion
    3 Colress Machine
    4 Muscle Band
    2 Fairy Garden
    1 ACE SPEC: G Booster
    3 Ultra Ball
    2 Tool Scrapper / Megaphone
Energy 12:

  • 4 Rainbow
    4 Prism
    4 Plasma

Aromatisse acts as a way to freely move your energies around (Prisms and Rainbow) from big EX to another. The deck is plasma themed so that Thundurus EX acts as an energy accelerator and recovery. Max potions are highly utilized since you can move the energy, max potion all damage off the big HP EX and then moved back. You choose the Tech Pokemon to better fit the MetaGame of the tournament. Situations and results may vary.

Optional in depth breakdown:
The full list breakdown can be found here in the video:
RE: Plasma-Aromatisse / Plasma Pixies (Aromatisse / Plasma EXs / Techs)

My most immediate concern is the single Genesect. No way that's going to fly in a deck this teched out (in my opinion), especially with your ace spec being G-booster. The first thing I would drop would be some of your techs, but that's just me.

Considering you're currently running 2 Deoxys and only 3-4 attackers that can use them (Thundurus, who really needs 4 and a band to be more worthwhile than none and a band, as I see it. And Genesect, who either 2-hits or 1-hits everything with or without them) I might drop them completely.

Besides that, I might say add a 3rd spritzee for Lysandre protection. I would also use Landorus-EX over Latias; Latias is slow, doesn't help in most matchups, is beaten by the common Garbodor, etc. Landorus is a great early attacker and burns through Pikachu and Raichu.

Even after hearing your point on Virizion over Keldeo, I still say Virizion is better in this deck. You're concern here, above all else, is to prevent your opponent from taking OHKOs. Virizion prevents Laserbank knockouts far more often than Keldeo will. You shouldn't ever have to attack with either considering you have more effective options, so I see it as a moot point.

For your trainer line-up, you have to play more search cards than 3 ultra ball. With so many one-of pokemon, you need that search-power. Especially for getting aromatisse out. I might drop a max potion (you'll rarely ever use 4 in a match) and a muscle band (similar reason) for an extra ultra ball and a level ball, or 2 level balls. I would also switch your N and Juniper counts. This is a setup deck. With techs. You're going to fall behind, so N is great. You know what's not great? Having to discard spritzee, aromatisse, G-Booster, or any of your techs in a critical matchup. Going from 4 to 3 juniper isn't a huge jump, but this is a game about probability management. Any step to improving your odds is a good one.

That's all I see for now. Otherwise, it's a good deck, and I see it being a strong archetype for the future, especially with how many options it has.
RE: Plasma-Aromatisse / Plasma Pixies (Aromatisse / Plasma EXs / Techs)

I agree with the Gensect comment above. Yes Genesect + G Booster is pretty great. But not with only 12 energy in the deck. That and theres only 1 pokemon and 1 of the tool card. It takes a lot of luck to get them both into play, assuming that either one could also be prized. With that i suggest 3 Genesect, but at least 2 of them to warrant the use of G Booster.

Speaking of prizes, i suggest town map. Getting that G Booster out of the prize is huge.
I agree with both. You should have at least 2 Genesect EX. I've gotten away with running 1 in all my match ups because I usually only get off 1 G booster a game. The deck being so Tech'd out covers a wide span of matchups where alot of these EX's coverage overlaps on certain meta decks.

For the trainers, The only change I would personally make is the 4th ultraball and drop the max potions to 3 but I've gotten away with only 3 Ultra balls with the draw power I currently have, but this is a really flexible skeleton of the deck. Also like I say in the in-depth video the structure with the Deoxys EX and other Tech's isnt like other Plasma Aroma Decks.

Honestly I was very on the fence about saying how 2 Deoxys are necessary, but it really isn't. The Deoxys are good boosts for Thundy, Geney, and Palkia (To knock out Dragon weak, Thundy hitting for more on Raiden and Genesect to knock out SudoLegends and Most Stage 2's without having to GBooster)

But overall, I'll take those comments in mind and everyone making the deck should as well.