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Plasma Blacksmith (Infernape/Umbreon)


Aspiring Trainer
I've been playing TCG for a year more or less (disconnected since 1st edition hahaha)
and my last deck was Garchomp-Haxorus.
Despite it's a natural Plasma killer, I find this deck a bit outdated, and, maybe in next rotation, it will dissapear. So I need to build a new deck and I focused my attention in a so ignored card: Infernape.
It's a nice plasma storm card even if it has 130Hp and average attacks:Muscle band and Laser cand 0HKO all 170 'mon. And if we find any Virgen, it can burst into flames with no need to lazor.

  • 4 Chimchar
  • 4 Infernape
  • 3 Eevee
  • 3 Umbreon

  • 4 N
  • 3 Sycamore
  • 4 Blacksmith
  • 4 Rare candy
  • 1 Plasma Ball
  • 3 Ultra Ball
  • 2 Virbank city Gym
  • 3 Hypnotoxic Laser
  • 2 Muscle band (2 Silver Bangle?)
  • 3 Max Potion
  • 1 Professor's Letter
  • 1 Computer search
  • 2 Colress machine
  • 2 Surprise Megaphone
  • 1 Sacred Ash

  • 7 Fire
  • 3 Plasma

Despite Infernape it's a low-HP 'mon, it has 3 Umbreon to increase significantly his HP, growing from 130 to 150-170.
With this nice HP and running-out energies every turn, you can heal it with max-potion so at the start of every turn you have a refreshed Infernape.

As long as Infernape's 2nd attack makes Infernape discard all energies attached to it, we have 2 ways to re-attack in the next turn:
1.- Use the Blacksmth: This card allows you to attach 2 card from your discard pile onto one of your fire 'mon... nice uh?
2.-Plasma+fire: Attach one fire energy to Infernape and then seach on your deck for a plasma energy and attach it to it, with the colress machine.

I need advices since I find this deck so nice but a lil' bit troublesome.

Edited to coincide with the rules! :D ~Kecleon
Have you considered running Garbodor over Umbreon? Garbodor makes Pokemon's abilities negated, and that can mean trouble for Keldeo/Blastoise decks along with Emboar and Aromatisse. Plus, as an added bonus, Infernape has Torment, that prevents Pokemon from using an attack of your choice that next turn, and seeing as most played EXs have a single attack (i.e. Keldeo, Darkrai et cetera) that means they cannot attack whatsoever and have to switch out, and seeing as Rush In is negated, that will be all the more difficult.
sounds quite nice but the moment that xerneas-ex is charged, there is nothing to do but try to block its 2nd attack for a while and pray that doesnt have 2 switch or a megaphone (what is common).

anyway i will consider to change that if i dont find more ideas ;)
If you don't decide to run Garbodor, I think you should use Deoxys EX. It's ability gives all Plasma Pokemon 10+ damage, and that can stack. It's more reliable than Lasers (and Muscle Band for that matter), and it has high HP because of Umbreon, so it won't usually be picked off for 2 prizes very easily. I also think you should make the Muscle Bands Silver Bangles. You one shot pretty much every non-EX anyway, so you really only need the extra damage against EX Pokemon.

I'd also consider adding some Monferno to this deck. If you're going to stream multiple Stage 2s, you will almost definitely want some Stage 1s to help you get more of them out. I think the Max Potions can go, too. Even though they are very helpful, with your high HP and all, I think you need the space for more supporters. If you can consistently draw cards and set up Infernapes every turn, you shouldn't need to heal them with Max Potion. I'd also add more Pokemon search cards

Since you're going to want to use Blacksmith almost every turn, I think you should include something that can draw you cards every turn, or Magnezone PLS, so that you can still draw cards on the turns you're using Blacksmith. I'd probably take out the Colress Machines for a 1-0-1 Delphox. You're going to be using Blacksmith for Energy Acceleration, so I think Colress Machine is a little worthless. And since you're taking out Colress Machine, you can change the Plasma Energy into Fire Energy.

So here's the changes I'd make to the deck:

-3 Hypnotoxic Laser
-2 Virbank City Gym
-3 Max Potion
-2 Colress Machine
-3 Plasma Energy

+3 Deoxys EX
+2 Monferno
+3 Supporters (Skyla?)
+1-0-1 Delphox
+3 Fire Energy

Hope I was helpful!