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Plasma EeveeLutions (Leafeon / Vaporeon / Espeon / Deoxys EX)


I love being bad

  • 4 Eevee-FRF
    2 Espeon-PLF
    1 Jolteon-PLF
    2 Vaporeon-PLF
    2 Leafeon-PLF
    1 Glaceon-PLF
    4 Deoxys EX-PLF

  • 4 Professor Juniper
    3 N
    2 Colress
    2 VS Seeker
    2 SKyla
    1 Lysandre's Trump Card
    1 Xerosic

    3 Colress Machine
    2 Ultra Ball
    1 Super Up Cyclone
    2 Super Scoop Up
    1 Startling Megaphone
    2 Training Center
    1 Team Plasma Ball
    3 Muscle Band
    2 Professor's Letter

  • 3 Water Energy
    2 Psychic Energy
    1 Lightning Energy
    2 Grass Energy
    4 Plasma Energy


Essentially use Professor's letter to get basics and evolve turn one into a Eeveelution which has weakness advantage. Also, I know Scoop Up Cyclone isn't great, but it is the best I have. I might be able to grab a dowsing though.

(bumped once)
If you plan on relying on Professor's Letter to get your eevees going, you REALLY need at least a couple Skyla in there. She would also help with getting colress machine, plasma ball, stadium card, etc. Also, Training Center might be a better stadium choice, since the eevolutions tend to be lightweights.
gromitxt said:
If you plan on relying on Professor's Letter to get your eevees going, you REALLY need at least a couple Skyla in there. She would also help with getting colress machine, plasma ball, stadium card, etc. Also, Training Center might be a better stadium choice, since the eevolutions tend to be lightweights.
I totally agree. Just wondering, what should I cut? Could you post some +'s and -'s?
An interesting deck. A few main problems I can think of is when you run out of 4 Eevee attackers, what will you do. Also, I'm wondering if you would want 3 Eeveelutions for attack and 1 for support (such as Glaceon), or a balanced 2:2.

So, the Pokemon.
Having a look at the Eeveelutions, I've noticed you are missing Flareon and Umbreon. Flareon is definitely helpful against VirGen and the new Metal Boxes, and certainly should be considered adding to the deck. Attack+Deoxys+Band+2 in Discard = 20+20+20+20 = 120 = 240 weakness.
Umbreon adds +20HP to all of your plasmas. So lets look out the positives and negatives of each of the Eeveelutions:

+s: Can snipe the bench and refresh hand.
-s: Low damage output --> Can't 2 hit KO any benched Psychic Weakness like Lucario and Mewtwo-EX. Any easy shot for defending Mewtwo-EX. IMO, Deoxys would be better as it can 1-hit KO a two energy Lucario and Mewtwo.
Best Matchups: Psychic Assault decks, Donphan (sniping), Garbodor (sniping) Lucario/Machamp,
+s: Can stall EXs, 2-Hit KO Pokemon using Electric Defuse + 20 damage boost.
-s: Lower damage output - can only 1KO EXs with +30 Deoxys and +20 Band. First attack unreliable.
Best Matchups: Yveltal, stalling Seismitoad
+s: Can heal each Pokemon, has a high damage output against Fire-EX
-s: Low damage output against non-exs.
Best Matchups: Landorus, Donphan (maybe), Charizard, Pyroar
+s: Versatile, can have high damage output for one energy
-s: Often situational but still practical
Best Matchups: Walls, Deluge
+s: Can provide a high damage output in many circumstances.
-s: Requires a decent set up as well as energy, low damage without setup
Best Matchups: Vir/Gen, Metal Boxes
+s: -2 Retreat Cost for Plasmas, high damage output + sleep
-s: High energy Cost
Best Matchups: Landorus, Donphan (maybe), Charizard, Pyroar
+s: +20 HP for plasmas, high damage output
-s: High energy cost
Best Matchups: Gengar

Main Problems:
No advantage over Aromatisse, Manetric-EX,

8 Eeveelutions is a workable amount, although some counts become unbalanced.
Firstly, decide what meta is around. If you rarely see Vir/Gen and Metal, is it worth putting in many, if at all, Flareon?
Secondly, do you want to focus on 'tools' as such. Do you want, or think is necessary, to have Umbreon's +20HP or Glaceon's Retreat Cost?
Thirdly, do any Eeveelutions clash? Glaceon and Vaporeon basically have the same matchups, the same with Espeon and Deoxys-EX, although they both have different strengths.

My suggestions would be
-1 Espeon
-1 Vaporeon
+1 Flareon
+1 [whichever Eeveelution that has the best matchups in your nearby meta that is at the count of '1' after changes]

Now the trainers.
-2 Frozen City +2 Training Center (HP boost)
-1 Ultra Ball +1 Skyla
-1 Colress Machine +1 Skyla (I honestly think Skyla is a bit more important to gather the tool you need).

-2 Water Energy
+1 Psychic Energy
+1 Fire Energy
-1 Plasma Energy
+1 [energy that compliments best matchup] or Psychic/Water

Hope that helps!
bbninjas said:
An interesting deck. A few main problems I can think of is when you run out of 4 Eevee attackers, what will you do. Also, I'm wondering if you would want 3 Eeveelutions for attack and 1 for support (such as Glaceon), or a balanced 2:2.

So, the Pokemon.
Having a look at the Eeveelutions, I've noticed you are missing Flareon and Umbreon. Flareon is definitely helpful against VirGen and the new Metal Boxes, and certainly should be considered adding to the deck. Attack+Deoxys+Band+2 in Discard = 20+20+20+20 = 120 = 240 weakness.
Umbreon adds +20HP to all of your plasmas. So lets look out the positives and negatives of each of the Eeveelutions:

+s: Can snipe the bench and refresh hand.
-s: Low damage output --> Can't 2 hit KO any benched Psychic Weakness like Lucario and Mewtwo-EX. Any easy shot for defending Mewtwo-EX. IMO, Deoxys would be better as it can 1-hit KO a two energy Lucario and Mewtwo.
Best Matchups: Psychic Assault decks, Donphan (sniping), Garbodor (sniping) Lucario/Machamp,
+s: Can stall EXs, 2-Hit KO Pokemon using Electric Defuse + 20 damage boost.
-s: Lower damage output - can only 1KO EXs with +30 Deoxys and +20 Band. First attack unreliable.
Best Matchups: Yveltal, stalling Seismitoad
+s: Can heal each Pokemon, has a high damage output against Fire-EX
-s: Low damage output against non-exs.
Best Matchups: Landorus, Donphan (maybe), Charizard, Pyroar
+s: Versatile, can have high damage output for one energy
-s: Often situational but still practical
Best Matchups: Walls, Deluge
+s: Can provide a high damage output in many circumstances.
-s: Requires a decent set up as well as energy, low damage without setup
Best Matchups: Vir/Gen, Metal Boxes
+s: -2 Retreat Cost for Plasmas, high damage output + sleep
-s: High energy Cost
Best Matchups: Landorus, Donphan (maybe), Charizard, Pyroar
+s: +20 HP for plasmas, high damage output
-s: High energy cost
Best Matchups: Gengar

Main Problems:
No advantage over Aromatisse, Manetric-EX,

8 Eeveelutions is a workable amount, although some counts become unbalanced.
Firstly, decide what meta is around. If you rarely see Vir/Gen and Metal, is it worth putting in many, if at all, Flareon?
Secondly, do you want to focus on 'tools' as such. Do you want, or think is necessary, to have Umbreon's +20HP or Glaceon's Retreat Cost?
Thirdly, do any Eeveelutions clash? Glaceon and Vaporeon basically have the same matchups, the same with Espeon and Deoxys-EX, although they both have different strengths.

My suggestions would be
-1 Espeon
-1 Vaporeon
+1 Flareon
+1 [whichever Eeveelution that has the best matchups in your nearby meta that is at the count of '1' after changes]

Now the trainers.
-2 Frozen City +2 Training Center (HP boost)
-1 Ultra Ball +1 Skyla
-1 Colress Machine +1 Skyla (I honestly think Skyla is a bit more important to gather the tool you need).

-2 Water Energy
+1 Psychic Energy
+1 Fire Energy
-1 Plasma Energy
+1 [energy that compliments best matchup] or Psychic/Water

Hope that helps!

Wow. Thanks for all of that. I agree with you, mostly. I don't need Flareon, as there is low VirGen and low Metal amounts. I really like Vaporeon, because of Gold Breaker. Sorta like boffalant. So I will do:

-2 Frozen City
+2 Training Center
-1 TPB (ultra ball is better, becuase you can get eevees)
-1 Colress Machine
+2 Skyla
