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Plasma Eevees (Vaporeon / Espeon / Deoxys EX / Kyurem)

Cuack Cuack

Aspiring Trainer
Pokemon: 14

  • 4 Deoxys Ex
    3 Kyurem
    3 Eevee
    2 Vaporeon
    1 Espeon
    1 Jirachi Ex
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 34

  • 3 N
    3 Professor Juniper
    2 Colress
    2 Skyla
    1 Shadow Triad
    1 Lysandre
    1 Scramble Switch
    1 Frozen City
    3 Team Plasma Ball
    3 Colress Machine
    3 Switch
    3 Energy Switch
    3 Muscle Band
    2 Maxx Potion
    1 Startling Megaphone
    1 Professor´s Letter
    1 Bicycle
Energy: 12

  • 4 Plasma Energy
    3 Rainbow Energy
    3 Water Energy
    2 Psychic Energy

the strategy is very simple, fight against the fighters Vaporeon can one.shoot-kill Landorus with 1 deoxys / muscle and deoxys is obviously the lucario / mewtwo´s enemy XD kyurem always be one of the best attackers and Espeon mades 40 wich isnt very fantastic BUT applies Wakness in banched ( is the only poke that can do it :cool: ) so frost spear and shadow ball are a good duo i run scramble switch because is combo with maxx potion but dowsing is a best option anyway just testing

I would like to run 1-2 Leafeon because sesmitoad match but i will wait how the format advances, even in that case a second starling m phone for the garbodors.

( energies edited )

Edited to coincide with the rules! :D ~Kecleon
RE: Plasma Eevees

I will refer you to this if you haven't already seen it. Mine is a much more Eevee dedicated list, though; it's literally 4 Eevee and 4 Deoxys.

If there's one thing I don't like about this, it's the Energy Switch. Main reason being that you almost don't have enough Basic Energies to justify playing that card. Just stick with Colress Machine; you can even Colress Machine to the Eevees after you attach a Rainbow. And I would definitely play Leafeon over Espeon any day. Even if it didn't directly counter anything, it's just a good backup attacker in general. The way I see it, you already have Psychic Weakness covered with Deoxys, and you already have sniping covered with Kyurem, so it makes Espeon sort of redundant.

-3 Energy Switch
-1 Max Potion; I'd cut one just cause you're attackers are either Eevees, which are definitely going to be OHKO'd or Plasma Kyurem which takes three Energies even if it does survive an attack. (Plus I'd play Computer Search over Scramble/Max Potion just cause you're probably going to be attacking more with your Kyurems and Eeveemons, but that's just me.)
+2 Ultra Ball; Right now you have no way to search out your Eevees
+2 Float Stone; You have no outs for a Switch.
i would drop maybe 1 E switch but is really good powering another attacker because for example sometimes has happened me deoxys is banched with 1 plasma and i need to put it in the active spot to attack with it but kyurem / vaporeon has the psychic energy =/ in general the plasma energy just covers the middle of the cost to attack there is where E switch makes the work XD my idea was a little like darkrai yvetal switching the energies to the main attacker in the turn actually im thinking in play just 2 rainbow adding more basics energies

maxx potion also helps to cure the snipes of landorus vaporeon has 110 hp lucario needs 2 strong 1 muscle / stadium / laser to do 120 so killing 1 vaporeon and getting revenge for deoxys is a very good trade i dont run maxx for the eeveevolutions, mainly for the 4 deoxys that not the four can be charged

espeon is the joke of the deck i like the mini combo attach to eevee search espeon finally energy switch into deoxys XD

and i feel as the eevees doesnt needs the be searched so quickly if i already have kyurem as the water attacker

thats my ideas while im testing

thanks for all the suggestions (=
Cuack Cuack said:
i would drop maybe 1 E switch but is really good powering another attacker because for example sometimes has happened me deoxys is banched with 1 plasma and i need to put it in the active spot to attack with it but kyurem / vaporeon has the psychic energy =/ in general the plasma energy just covers the middle of the cost to attack there is where E switch makes the work XD my idea was a little like darkrai yvetal switching the energies to the main attacker in the turn actually im thinking in play just 2 rainbow adding more basics energies

But Basic Energy. I mean if you're playing it, and it's working for you, then that's good, but I feel like more often then not, it's going to be a dead card in your hand.

Cuack Cuack said:
maxx potion also helps to cure the snipes of landorus vaporeon has 110 hp lucario needs 2 strong 1 muscle / stadium / laser to do 120 so killing 1 vaporeon and getting revenge for deoxys is a very good trade i dont run maxx for the eeveevolutions, mainly for the 4 deoxys that not the four can be charged

If you're worried about bench damage, Mr. Mime can go a long way.

Cuack Cuack said:
and i feel as the eevees doesnt needs the be searched so quickly if i already have kyurem as the water attacker

Fair enough. I guess in my build Ultra Ball is imperative since I don't really have any back up attackers (except for Deoxys). But I think you should at least consider 1 Ultra Ball. It can still get out your Plasma Guys out as well.
Mora said:
Cuack Cuack said:
i would drop maybe 1 E switch but is really good powering another attacker because for example sometimes has happened me deoxys is banched with 1 plasma and i need to put it in the active spot to attack with it but kyurem / vaporeon has the psychic energy =/ in general the plasma energy just covers the middle of the cost to attack there is where E switch makes the work XD my idea was a little like darkrai yvetal switching the energies to the main attacker in the turn actually im thinking in play just 2 rainbow adding more basics energies

But Basic Energy. I mean if you're playing it, and it's working for you, then that's good, but I feel like more often then not, it's going to be a dead card in your hand.

just at the beggining of the game but in the middle has worked very good trust me XD with no prisms is difficult manually to charge an attacker

Cuack Cuack said:
maxx potion also helps to cure the snipes of landorus vaporeon has 110 hp lucario needs 2 strong 1 muscle / stadium / laser to do 120 so killing 1 vaporeon and getting revenge for deoxys is a very good trade i dont run maxx for the eeveevolutions, mainly for the 4 deoxys that not the four can be charged

If you're worried about bench damage, Mr. Mime can go a long way.


landorus´s spear will be more quick than get mime on the bench

Cuack Cuack said:
and i feel as the eevees doesnt needs the be searched so quickly if i already have kyurem as the water attacker

Fair enough. I guess in my build Ultra Ball is imperative since I don't really have any back up attackers (except for Deoxys). But I think you should at least consider 1 Ultra Ball. It can still get out your Plasma Guys out as well.

could be just 1 yeah :D