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Plasma Shield (Aegislash EX / Bronzong / Klingklang)


Aspiring Trainer

  • 2 Aegislash EX
    1 Dialga EX
    2 Cobalion EX
    1 Cobalion
    2-2-2 KlingKlang (Plasma steel)
    3-3 Bronzong (Phantom Gate)


  • 4 Professor Juniper
    4 N
    3 Pokemon Fan Club
    1 Lysandre
    4 Ultra Ball
    3 Muscle Band
    1 Sacred Ash
    1 Computer Search
    2 VS Seeker
    3 Steel Shelter
    1 Escape Rope
    3 Switch
    1 Startling Megaphone
    1 Professor's Letter

  • 9 Metal Energy
    1 Double Colorless Energy


A little different Steel deck strategy. Normally Dialga EX is the main attacker but in this deck Aegislash EX is the main attacker with Cobalion EX being a back up attacker. The goal behind this deck is to protect Aegislash EX from special energy attackers, Protect from EX attackers with plasma steel, and also protect from status conditions with steel shelter. Not sure how good this deck will be it seems like it might be a little slow to set up.
RE: Plasma Sheild (AegislashEX/ Bronzong/Klingklang)

I posted this exact deck with exact same name a while back :p i think its a potentially good deck but very slow to set up, (very) and aegislash really struggled for me if i got an uncomfortable start (which was often, with so many horrible starting pokemon- jirachi, bronzor, klink, even aegislash isnt a particularly good starting mon when it then needs 3 turns to power up the first attack).. so I'd perhaps additional cobalion EXs would help you get off to a stronger start. I feel the deck has potential but I didnt manage to get it to work so I hope you can find a working list ^^
RE: Plasma Sheild (AegislashEX/ Bronzong/Klingklang)

Im sorry I didnt mean to steel your deck. I have tested the deck a bit online and lowered the Aegislash EX count to 2 and added in a dialga EX and a baby cobalion. It has done well online so far though.
I suggest taking out two Fan Clubs and adding two Colress, which can often give you a lot more draw power. I've noticed that you more often draw in or ultra ball the Pokemon you need, and Fan Clubs are often used sparingly.
I also suggest 3 switch and 1 escape rope, as more often then not when you need to switch, you don't want to switch out your opponent's.
Also, I'm not a big fan of Jirachi (+1 Cobalion-EX -1 Jirachi-EX) and don't use it in my decks, but that's really a personal preference. Also try Heatran PhF. It can do 80 damage for 1 [M] and a DCE + a stadium, or 130 for 2 [M] and a DCE.
You could also go down the path of Skyla + Rare Candy.

My main suggestions:
-2 Fan Club +2 Colress
-1 Escape Rope +1 Switch
I did make some of the changes you mentioned but iwth as much set up as the deck needs I think Pokemon Fan club is essential.
I disagree from experience (in a Dialga-EX/Bronzong version I get 2 Bronzor + Dialga-EX by turn 2/3), but three Fan Clubs are probably too much. In most cases you would want to use a draw supporter over the Fan Club, and getting Fan Club later in the match can be annoying.
I suggest subbing at least 1 Fan Club for a Colress.
I will test it out but with having to set up the additional pokemon and not just bronzong/ dialga means I need more ways to get pokemon out quickly. So Far in my testing the Pokemon fan clubs have been great additions that have had me getting turn 2 bronzongs consitantly and turn3 KlingKlangs consistantly.