Plasma Storm Decks


Aspiring Trainer
Plasma Storm will be released on Wednesday, February 6. Because a new set is coming out, we need to know some of the decks that will dominate the competition or even just will be played a lot. Comment below with your ideas/combinations. If you already have a deck made, comment with the deck list. Thank you!
Their is a Klinklang that prevents damage from EX in the new set and it makes a really good deck. Heres a list that I would test:
Pokemon (15)
3- Cobalion EX
4-1-4 Klinklang (2 ex protectors, 2 shift gear)
2- Registeel EX
1- Cobalion NV
T/S/S (32)
4- Skyla
3- Juniper
4- N
3- Colress
4- Candy
3- Catcher
2- Heavy Ball
2- Ultra Ball
3- Max Potion
1- Computer Search
4- Switch
Energy (12)
12- Metal
So for decks, I'm seeing Klinklang, Landorus, and Keldeo be the dominant 3 decks, with Darkrai/Hydreigon, Darkrai/Hammers, Victini/Infernape, and RayEels as Tier 1.5, with Garbodor, Empoleon variants, Mewtwoeels, Snorlax, etc. being Tier 2, although Empoleon and Garbodor may be higher, and Victini/Infernape only being this high because it wrecks what I see as the clear BDIF and abuses early Lugias to their full potential.
Empoleon is completely dead after Plasma Storm. Darkrai, it's previous best matchup, now hits for 140 regularly, Keldeo utterly destroys it, and Landorus/Tornadus/Mewtwo can easily play off a small bench. It also gets eaten alive by HTL.

Here's what I think the Tier list will be, based off about 50 games of testing or so. This is by no means perfect, and it's more theorymon/speculation than anything else.

Tier 1:
Darkrai (just flat out Darkrai/Sableye with maybe a Mewtwo tech.)
Blastoise/Keldeo/Black Kyurem

Tier 1.5:
PlasmaKlang (not sure, it's really good but easy to tech against)

Tier 2:
Garbodor (iffy on this, could be slightly higher)

Tier 800:
Eternal Freeze

None of the Stage 2 attackers from PS make this list because they all get demolished by Darkrai and Keldeo. Lugia is way too clunky and only works in Plasma based decks, of which there no good ones at the moment.