Plasma Storm Prerelease- Amazing Pulls


Wishes Mega Umbreon would exist
So I leave at 10:30 to go to the Plasma Storm Prerelease in York, Pennsylvania. I get there fairly early register and such. I talk with my buddies Big Ben, Matt, Kyle, Sean and Lil Ben about what were hoping to pull and then they hand the packs out. I pulled really good out of the first six packs including
Colress FA
Crobat Holo
Victory Piece
and some trainers, im really happy about these pulls. Matt manages to pull a Zapdos EX. Big Ben pulls a Scramble Switch. Lil Ben pulls a Moltres EX. Kyle pulls an Articuno EX. Sean pulls a White Kyurem EX and a Dowsing Machine. So out of everyone at my table I think I pulled the best. So on to the tournement

Round one Oscar w/Cubchoo and other guys
I constently use Durant's Call for Backup to search for guys. I finally get a Crobat set up and sweep.

Round two Sean w/Magnezone and Patrat
He gets Magnezone set up and it goes downhill from here
Round three Lil' Ben w/Moltres EX and Piloswine
He kills me with Piloswine because he keeps using an attack that flips 5 coins and does 40 for each heads. I lose
I do pretty crappy, but oh well. I turn in my energy and get my last two packs.
I pull a Black Kyurem EX Yeah Buddy 2 Bicyles (1 Rev) and a Lazer.) Big Ben pulls Cobalion EX. Matt pulls White Kyurem. Lil' Ben pulls a Klinklang.

I later trade my Victory Piece and a Magnezone for a Scramble Switch. I also trade one of my five Ho- Oh EX for a White Kyurem EX to go with my Black Kyurem. Sean and Kyle pull junk out of their last two packs. So everyone in our team of six pulled atleast one Ultra Rare So yeah overall amazing day.

Heres my ultra rares from the set so far:
So overall heres what our team has from Plasma:
1- White Kyurem
2- Articuno
3- Cobalion
1- Black Kyurem
1- Zapdos
1- Moltres
0- Victini
0- Lugia
1- FA Colress
1- Dowsing Machine
2- Scramble Switch
0- Victory Piece
no shinies D:

Good pulls
Set has amazing pull rates
Sold Tornadus EX for $18.00
Decent Trades
Everyone gets atleast one Ultra Rare

Black Kyurem was damaged out of pack
Our team didnt get any shinies
Terrible in Tourney
No Shinies D:
Thanks for Reading.