Ruling Platinum Torterra + Wild Growth


Crazy Capitalist
For Torterra's attack Green Blast, it does 40 damage plus 10 more damage for each grass energy attached to all of your pokemon. If you have a GE Sceptile in play, and wild growth is in effect, do you count each energy twice when adding damage?
Yes it will (provided that it's attached to a grass Pokemon). So a Torterra PT with 2 grass energy and no other energy in play would do 80 damage (provided that Wild Growth is in play).
That Torterra might be errata'd soon, much like every other card that says energy and is obviously referring to energy cards.
Don Pianta said:
That Torterra might be errata'd soon, much like every other card that says energy and is obviously referring to energy cards.

To my knowledge, we have never seen a card that directly refers to the energy card. The Wild Growth Poke-Power changes the grass energy to be providing 2 energy. That's like saying you would only get one for a Double Rainbow Energy or Boost Energy, which everyone knows is untrue (think back to Blissey MT). I'm pretty sure that's what you mean. These kind of attacks check to see what the energy is providing, not the actual energy.
There is not going to be an errata on the PT torterra, because leafeon's (LVX) verdant dance is for each energy and sceptile does make it {G}{G} so, I mean, if Leafeon X is not errat'd, torterra is not.

If it says energy CARD it is referring to the actual cards to the pokemon...If just energy, it is how many each card is WORTH.

Make sense?