Discussion Play pokemon tcg over discord/webcam?


Aspiring Trainer
So saw some realy old threads under this topic but i thought i bring it up again, now when most people having decent webcams or phones with good cameras on them what do you guys think of this topic?
It is an option.

I used to play over old messengers, in the early 2000's. No web cam, just using the honor system. Using webcams still requires the honor system; cheating is a lot easier when your opponent has a fixed vantage point through a device you control. Of course, kind of pathetic to cheat over games for fun. ;) Back then, clear communication was a pain. It was too easy to misunderstand an opponent's move as you couldn't see it for real; you either took notes and/or had a representation of their deck set up on your side; having a webcam going is better but that gets back to the fixed perspective issue; be prepared to hold a lot of things up to the camera, and remember you have to pick it up and put it back without disturbing anything else. XP

Oh, and as I learned, having enough room for your deck to be all spread out can also be difficult. Easier than when I was doing the above on a desktop computer, but I still think I might prefer some of the other options for online play.

Good luck. ^^
haha, well atm i just place my webcam on my monitor and it gives whoever im playing a good look over my playmat, using discord or skype for communication