Playstation Discussion Thread


Silhouette Gloom of the Sundown Lands
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Hello, friends. Talk about all things Playstation here. Share PSN names and maybe link up? Destiny is pretty popular, I do that a lot. My PSN name is PMJ1234567890.
I was just about to make a Vita thread. If the thought occurred thirty minutes ago instead of twelve I would have. That's kind of cool.

I don't have any multiplayer games on PS3 that really get much playtime, but my Vita is played on a daily basis. If anyone wants someone extra on their online leaderboards for a number of games, feel free to add me: Crdavis-1996- (Go unchangeable usernames!...) Right now I'm on a big Danganronpa 2 kick, but generally it's all about Spelunky, Pix the Cat, and Binding of Isaac.

Speaking of Danganronpa... Anyone? I must talk to people on Danganronpa and how much it makes me sad. ;-;
I have a Vita that gets no use. The latest thing I used it for was to transfer some Lunar 2 save data from one PS3 to another.
PSN: predator6x13
Games I play online: Farcry 3, CoD: Black Ops 2, Ace Combat Infinity, Ace Combat Assault Horizon, Madden 25, Alien: Colonial Marines, and sometimes The Last of Us.
Favorite games I have: TLoU, Farcry 3, Watch_Dogs, infamous 2, Deadpool, Alien Isolation, Skyrim, and Dead Space 3

PMJ, next time I'm online, I'll send you a request friend request.
Soul Sacrifice Delta. Anyone here have it? Looking for someone to play multiplayer with in general. Randoms can be fun, but you generally get someone who leaves you to fighting off the Fiend alone, or some guy with max power Offerings that rolls through things for you... =/ Then there's the whole issue of nobody wanting to use support Offerings since you're never sure on what your partners will be like. I'd love to actually roll support.