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RE: Want Infernape 4 Lv. X


dmaster out.
RE: Want Infernape 4 Lv. X

I don't see anything I need right now. Sorry. Is there anything else you need?
RE: Want Machamp Prime

@ Fartman2000.....All I see is Slowking Prime and Garchomp C X (non-promo)
RE: Want Machamp Prime

Have Blaziken FB X or Gengar Prime?

BTW, I'd send first. I have most of you wants.
RE: Want Machamp Prime

@javier....Would you be willing to send first? I normally don't trade outside of the US but if its a good deal I might do it.
@glaceon....I do have Blaziken FB X. Its in a deck right now but since you have been a good trader I could do it. What do you have from my wants.....Machamp Prime?
RE: Want Machamp Prime

Yep. Machamp. And 2 Sableye will arrive soon.
RE: Want Machamp Prime

@ glaceon.....If you have Machmap Prime now we can do that cause I need it ASAP. I will give you Blaze and something else for it.
@Javier....I will CYL now
RE: Want Machamp Prime

Blaze FB X and Blaze FB, if you have one?
RE: Want Machamp Prime

OK, how about this:
landmin x
seeker if you have any

slowking prime
garchomp c x
RE: Want Machamp Prime

@ glaceon.... I can do that. PM me to confirm
@ Fartman2000... I don't have any Seeker for trade. We can do the Landmin X for the Garchomp C X (non-promo)

@ Pinkerton....I dont see enough for ALL my Lv. X's. I do like Absol Prime. Im hesistant to ship to Canda because of some mail problems I have had. But if the trade is worth it I might do it.

@ Grizzly... I like your Absol Prime. I have DCE also.

@ FistBumpIt... I will check now but I dont have Magikarp SF
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