• Please read THIS THREAD if you are a new trader/seller.

    Thank you!

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Aspiring Trainer
CA, United States
W A R N I N G:
R U L E S ! ! ! ! !

0. Everything Listed here is up for trade. It isn't decked or "hard to trade".
1. I only trade with the U.S. (Usually, you would have to sell me on it)
2. Lower Refs send first. If you have any negatives, you send first. If you have a neutral in the last month, you send first
3.This is only a little of my cards
4. I will usually not CYL, but since this is my thread, YOU MAKE AN OFFER FIRST
5. Cards must be sent in a Toploader AND sleeve.
6. Most of my cards are mint to near-mint, if you have any questions about condition please ask. If you don't ask, too bad.
7.You abide by these rules and you will be fine.
8.MOST IMPORTANTLY, If you don't have anything on my wants list, please make an offer anyway!!!
9. If you say CML you will be directed to this rule: Tell me what you have, and please read "How to trade with Ace11" below.

I have 25 Refs

*How to Trade with Ace11*
You said:
Hi I have:
3x Bidoof LV.X (DP)
2x Bidoof EX
3x Bidoof*

I am interested in your:
1x Bidoof (Delta) (PL)
1x Bidoof (Secret Rare)


My: Blaziken FB Lv.X
4x Poketurns
2x Power Spray
1x Roseanne's
1x Cyrus'
1x Night Maintenance


My: English Rare Candy
Your: French Rare Candy

Current Trades:
My: (My card) --> (Their card)
(My mail status) --> (Their mail status)

the crippler18:
My: Gallade 4 Lv.X --> 3x Rare Candy
Both sending (12/7/09)
I Recieved

My 5x (Un)Commons --> 2x Electrode G
I Sent (12/5/09), Waiting to recieve

My: Pokemon Emerald --> Arceus PR sleeves
I Sent (12/4/09) --> Waiting to receive.

My: Dialga Promo, 2x Foretress G, 2x Steel Energies --> 2x SP Radar, Bench Shield
Received, Mine Sent --> Waiting to recieve


General Wants:
4x Poketurn!!!***!!!***!!!***!!!***!!!***!!!***
Roseanne's Research
All TGIs
Call Energy
Machamp SF
Gengar SF
Garchomp C Lv.X*
Azelf/Mesprit/Uxie LA
Luxray GL Lv.X

Deck #1 Wants: - Must be MINT to NEAR MINT (Great Deal Sealers)
2x RH Mightyena PL**
1x RH Poochyena
1x RH Moonlight Stadium
1x RH Speed Stadium
1x RH Nidorina (RR)
1x RH Nidoran (RR)
2x RH Nidoqueen (RR)
1x RH Uxie (LA Only)

Deck #2 Wants:
2x Roseanne's
2x Power Spray
2x Night Maintenance

Anytime Wants:

Xx Rare Candy (English or French only)
Xx Toxicroak G (Promo)
4x SSU
Xx RH Dark Energy (Special or Basic)
4x Psychic Energy (HP/EM)
Xx Any Lv. X Throw in =)
Xx Electrode G NonHolo Only (Value at $0.01, so please just throw in only)

1x Pack of *Unopened* DP Prerelease Sleeves ********
^^^ Will trade well for it


Lv. Xs
1x Machamp Lv.X
1x Blaziken FB Lv.X
1x Infernape 4 Lv. X
1x Rhperior Lv.X (Tin)
1x Darkrai Lv. X (Tin) (Bent in top corner, Playable)

T/S/S are located at the bottom.

Reverse Holos:

Supreme Victors
1x Wailord
2x Dodrio
1x Dusknoir FB
1x Mr. Mime
Reverse Holos:
1x Dewgong
1x Spinda
1x Feebas
1x Ninjask
1x Relicanth

Rising Rivals:

3x Luxray GL
1x Shiftry
2x Arcanine (1x RH)
1x Walrein
1x Rampardos
1x Bastiodon
1x Vaporeon
1x Raichu GL (1x RH)
1x Mismagius GL
3x Nidoqueen
Reverse Holos:
1x Infernape 4
2x Hippodawn
Xx Spheal (haha)
3x Snorlax

1x Manectric (1x RH)
2x Dugtrio (1x RH)
1x Bronzong G (1x RH, has small pen mark above "G")
Reverse Holos:

3x T-tar (1 Theme Deck)
1x Drapion
Reverse Holos:

Legends Awakened:
1x Uxie (1x RH)
1x Jirachi
Reverse Holos:

Majestic Dawn
1x Darkrai
2x Vaporeon
1x Rotom (1x RH)
Reverse Holos:

Great Encounters
1x Darkrai
Reverse Holos:

Secret Wonders:
1x Ampharos (1x RH)
Reverse Holos:

Mysterious Treasures:
1x Mesprit (1x RH)
1x Mr. Mime (1x RH)
1x Manectric (1x RH)
1x Rotom (1x RH)
2x Vaporeon (1x RH)
Reverse Holos:
1x Bronzor

Unown Q

Diamond & Pearl
1x Rhyperior
1x Torterra
1x Infernape (Bad Condition)
1x Drapion
Reverse Holos:

DP Promos:
1x Darkrai

1 Original Vaporeon (H) (Scratched)
1x Base Set 2 Mewtwo (Near Mint)

2x Rare Candy
1x Expert Belt
1x Department Store Girl
1x Professor Oak's Visit
1x Palmer's Contribution
1x Luxury Ball
2x Pokemon Rescue
3x Memory Berry
2x Cynthia's Feelings
1x VS Seeker
2x Lucian's Assignment (1x RH)
1x Leftovers
2x Life Herb
3x Energy Link
1x Poke Drawer+

Xx ASK!!

RE: Ace11 Trade Thread- Take a look

Approved. Make sure you have read the rules if you have not already done so. Also, I deleted one for your rules seeing as you are not allowed to sell.


On as side note: I send you a PM if you can get back to me that would be great, also I have some more of your wants if your interested. Just send me a PM to work stuff out.

RE: Ace11 Trade Thread- Take a look

You have a RR Flygon LvX? Please CML for it.
RE: Ace11 Trade Thread- Take a look

CML for flygon lv. X and cresselia lv. x
RE: Ace11 Trade Thread- Take a look

Hi! ^^

I'm interested in your:

1R Celebi (Wizard Promo)
1H Rotom (POP9)
1H Raichu (MT)
1H Raichu (SF)

And I especially want the two promo cards, because I collect them. And also, check my list, to see if you have any of my wants!!!! :)
RE: Ace11 Trade Thread- Take a look

Would you do a Heatran SF Lv. X for your Flygon Lv. X?

You can CML for other wants too if you'd like.
RE: Ace11 Trade Thread- Take a look

I'll look at all your guy's lists and see if we can work something out in a bit! Thanks guys!
RE: Ace11 Trade Thread- Take a look

Will you do:

Flygon Lv. X

Cresselia Lv. X
Mesprit LA RH
Call Energy
Grass Energy Holo?
RE: Ace11 Trade Thread- Take a look

Shakespeare$- Sorry, not really interested in anything you have for my flygon.
EddieT. - I might be willing to trade my Cresselia to you. How many RR Flygons do you have?
PokemonTrainerLisa- I'm not really too interested in anything pre- DP. However, I'll keep you in mind for those promos and if I change my mind or you get more cards, we might be able to work something out.
Medaforcer- Sorry no thanks. Would you be willing to trade your RH Blaziken (PT) For anything?
richkid50000- Nah, sorry. You don't have much I want.
geo15721$- I don't think so. I don't even have a call energy. That's on my wants. What would you sell the flygon for?
RE: Ace11 Trade Thread- Take a look

I have 3 Vibravas and a luxray gl does that still not interest you?
RE: Ace11 Trade Thread- Take a look

ace11 said:
PokemonTrainerLisa- I'm not really too interested in anything pre- DP. However, I'll keep you in mind for those promos and if I change my mind or you get more cards, we might be able to work something out.
Oh, I see....

Okay, cool. I hope we can work something out, then. ^^

Also, let me know if you change your mind about my old cards (and I do have some cards from the D/P sets too).
RE: Ace11 Trade Thread- Take a look

PokemonTrainerLisa said:
ace11 said:
PokemonTrainerLisa- I'm not really too interested in anything pre- DP. However, I'll keep you in mind for those promos and if I change my mind or you get more cards, we might be able to work something out.
Oh, I see....

Okay, cool. I hope we can work something out, then. ^^

Also, let me know if you change your mind about my old cards (and I do have some cards from the D/P sets too).

Would you be willing to trade any of your EX cards for the two promos?
RE: Ace11 Trade Thread- Take a look

I have:
2x Heatran Lv.X SF
Xx Combusken PT
4x Flygon RR
Xx Vibrava RR
Xx Trapinch SW
2x Nidoqueen RR
4x Luxray GL RR
Xx Trainers

I need:
1x Cresselia Lv.X
1x Mesprit LA (RH)

Lemme know if we can work something out.
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