• Please read THIS THREAD if you are a new trader/seller.

    Thank you!

Please lock until I update.

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Aspiring Trainer
Advanced Member
Verified Seller ~ESP

1. Once we confirm, no backing out.
2. Whoever has less refs sends first.
3. For now, I am only accepting PayPal.
4. All of my cards are in mint condition.
5. Type "Mudkip" at the top of your first post to make sure you have read the rules. If you don't I will ignore your request until done so.
6. Feel free to make offers.


Lucario MT x1
Regigigas Tin x3
Shaymin Sky PT x1
Palkia G PT x1
Palkia Tin x1
Machamp SF x1
Mewtwo Tin x1
Glaceon MD x1
Infernape 4 RR x1 ~ Scratched.

Secret Rares:
Hitmonchan PT x1
Scyther PT x1
Flying Pikachu RR x1
Surfing Pikachu RR x1 (Japanese 1st Edition)

Rising Rivals:
2) Bastiodon GL x2 (1 RH; 1 Holo)
4) Floatzel GL x5 (1 RH; 4 Holo)
6) Froslass GL x1 (Holo)
8) Lucario GL x1 (Holo)
9) Luxray GL x1 (Holo)
10) Mismagius GL x3 (1 RH; 2 Holo)
11) Rampardos GL x4 (1 RH; 3 Holo)
12) Roserade GL x1 (Holo)
13) Shiftry x4 (4 Holo)
14) Aggron x3
17) Drapion 4 x1
18) Espeon 4 x1
19) Flareon x2
20) Gallade 4 x3 (1 RH; 2 Regular)
21) Gastrodon East Sea x1 (RH)
22) Gastrodon West Sea x1
23) Golem 4 x2
24) Heracross 4 x3
25) Hippowdon x1
27) Mamoswine GL x1
28) Mr. Mime 4 x1
29) Nidoking x2
32) Rhyperior 4 x2
34) Vaporeon x3
35) Vespiquen 4 x1
36) Walrein x2 (1 RH; 1 Regular)
37) Yanmega x1


1) Ampharos x1 (Holo)
3) Blaziken x2 (Holo)
4) Delcatty x3 (2 RH; 1 Holo)
6) Dialga x1
8) Gardevoir x1 (RH)
10) Giratina x1 (Holo)
11) Manectric x1 (Holo)
13) Rampardos x2 (1 RH; 1 Holo)
14) Shaymin x1 (Holo)
15) Shaymin Sky x1 (Holo)
17) Weavile G x1 (RH)
18) Altaria x3
20) Bastiodon x2
21) Beautifly x1
22) Blissey x1
23) Dialga x1
24) Dugtrio x3 (1 RH; 2 Regular)
25) Dustox x1
26) Empoleon x1 (RH)
28) Giratina x2
29) Golduck x3
33) Lickilicky x2 (1 RH; 1 Regular)
35) Luvdisc x1
36) Ninetales x2
37) Palkia x1
38) Shaymin x3
39) Torterra x2 (1 RH; 1 Regular)


I have a lot of Stormfront so please ask. I do not have any of the Lv.X's and Shinies for trade so do not ask for those.


1. Money
2. Mudkip Stuff (Merchandise)
3. RH Tangela SF x4
4. RH Tangrowth SF x3
5. Sceptile GE x1
6. Blaziken FB x1 (1st edition only)
7. I will CYL

**Thanks for looking**
RE: Mudkip's Selling Corner

I see no problems here, please be sure to read all of the rules and if you have any problems feel free to contact me or another trade council member.

- Approved -
RE: Mudkip's Selling Corner

Oh I know. I'm not new to trading/selling. :]

You might want to add the tag to the top of thread thread. (about me being a verified seller)
RE: Mudkip's Selling Corner

do u have any of these for sale?
2x Unown G RH
1x Bronzong PL RH
2x Machamp SF RH
4x Machop SF RH
2x Beedril GE RH
4x Weedle GE RH
1x Team G Energy Gain RH
4x Team G Power Spray RH
4x Team G SP Radar RH
4x Cyrus Conspiracy RH
4x Poke Radar RH
1x Luxary Ball RH
4x Level Max RH
2x Bebes Search RH
2x Galactic HQ
4x Poketurn RH
4x Poke Drawer RH
3x Aarons Collection RH
5x Metal Energy holo
RE: Mudkip's Selling Corner

thepacman24 said:
do u have any of these for sale?
2x Unown G RH
1x Bronzong PL RH
2x Machamp SF RH
4x Machop SF RH
2x Beedril GE RH
4x Weedle GE RH
1x Team G Energy Gain RH
4x Team G Power Spray RH
2x Team G SP Radar RH
4x Cyrus Conspiracy RH
4x Poke Radar RH
1x Luxary Ball RH
4x Level Max RH
2x Bebes Search RH
2x Galactic HQ
4x Poketurn RH
4x Poke Drawer RH
3x Aarons Collection RH
5x Metal Energy holo

I have the bolded ones ^^
RE: Mudkip's Selling Corner

2x Machamp SF RH
4x Machop SF RH
1x Team G Energy Gain RH
1x Luxary Ball RH
2x Galactic HQ RH
5x Metal Energy holo

would u sell these for 20
RE: Mudkip's Selling Corner

Yup! Thanks. Do you have PayPal?

The Galactic HQ aren't RH. When you listed them you didn't specify so I thought it didn't matter. LMK
RE: Mudkip's Selling Corner

oh sorry i need them RH u dont have it in RH?
2x Machamp SF RH
4x Machop SF RH
1x Team G Energy Gain RH
1x Luxary Ball RH
5x Metal Energy holo

$16 shipped?
RE: Mudkip's Selling Corner

thepacman24 said:
oh sorry I need them RH u don't have it in RH?

I have one RH. So with all of those that would be $18?
RE: Mudkip's Selling Corner| Get your Nationals card here

I liked the Jirachi RR and Shiny Lotad. LMK
RE: ~Mudkip's Trading Corner: H: RR and other sets | W: Tangrowth Line RH, Money, and other stuff~

I have a RH Tangrowth would you trade for #14 Shaymin?
RE: ~Mudkip's Trading Corner: H: RR and other sets | W: Tangrowth Line RH, Money, and other stuff~

Mudkipz. Hello Mudkip. You seem like a decnt trader. Where do you go to league? Are you going to Nats?

My name is Juliacoolo (Anthony actually). You may of not heard of me, since I am new to the site, but I am interested in trading.

Do you have any Vibrava RR? if so, please CML. Thanks!
RE: ~Mudkip's Trading Corner: H: RR and other sets | W: Tangrowth Line RH, Money, and other stuff~

Hey Mudkip, would you be willing to do:

Tangela x2 (RH)
GE Sceptile
$11 Shipped

Infernape 4 Lv. X


RE: ~Mudkip's Trading Corner: H: RR and other sets | W: Tangrowth Line RH, Money, and other stuff~

SrSpoony said:
I have a RH Tangrowth would you trade for #14 Shaymin?

No thanks.

Juliacoolo said:
Mudkipz. Hello Mudkip. You seem like a decnt trader. Where do you go to league? Ohio Are you going to Nats? YES

My name is Juliacoolo (Anthony actually). You may of not heard of me, since I am new to the site, but I am interested in trading.

Do you have any Vibrava RR? if so, please CML. Thanks!

I have 4 of them.

I like the Jirachi RR.
4 Vibrava

Jirachi RR?


AnthonyG said:
Hey Mudkip, would you be willing to do:

Tangela x2 (RH)
GE Sceptile
$11 Shipped

Infernape 4 Lv. X



I just edited in that the Infernape is scratched. I recieved it that way. :/

LMK if you still want it.
RE: ~Mudkip's Trading Corner: H: RR and other sets | W: Tangrowth Line RH, Money, and other stuff~

Please CML for Palkia GX! :)
RE: ~Mudkip's Trading Corner: H: RR and other sets | W: Tangrowth Line RH, Money, and other stuff~

darksoulSP said:
Please CML for Palkia GX! :)

The only thing I see is the Dialga G Lv.X. LMK
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