Wi-Fi Trades Plumber's Pie [My trade thread]

Super Mario

Aspiring Trainer
Welcome to My Trade Thread. Hopefully through this trade thread I'll be able to get lots more shnies/events/IV breed + Egg moved pokemon.
I hope everyone lies the thread and will enjoy trading.

Follow all PB rules
  • Dont Trade Hacks/illegit Pokemons, i myself try to not tade hacks and remove them from my list if they are present
  • Trade fairly
    • Shiny for Shiny
    • [color]Shiny for Event[/color]
    • [color]Event for Shiny[/color]
  • I only look for UT Shinies, IV breed + Egg Moves & Event pokemon
  • Please be patient as i try to get things organized
  • If you need any more info/help then please leave a VM or PM
  • I can offer cloning service at the charge that i get to keep a clone
  • I clone some of the shinies when trading

My Pokemon

The Shiny List

First Generation [001-151]

[037]Vulpix lvl.24 UT – Timid
[038]Ninetails lvl.24 UT – Timid
[068]Machamp lvl.53 UT
[070]Weepinbell lvl.51 UT
[072]Slowpoke lvl.32 UT – Careful
[084]Doduo lvl.2 UT
[092]Gastly lvl.1 UT - Modest
[098]Krabby lvl.52 UT
[116]Horsea lvl.18 UT
[133]Eevee lvl.16 UT - Modest
[134]Vaporeon lvl.16 UT – Modest
[136]Flareon lvl.16 UT – Modest
[144]Articuno lvl.50 UT
[145]Zapdos lvl.50 UT
[146]Moltres lvl.50 UT
[147]Dratini lvl.15 UT - Adamant

Second Generation [152-251]

[155]Cyndaquil lvl.5 BT
[158]Totodile lvl.5 UT
[212]Scizor lvl.52 UT
[216]Sneasel lvl.34 UT – Adament
[244]Entei lvl.50 UT
[245]Suicune lvl.50 BT - Timid
[249]Lugia lvl.70 UT
[250]Ho-oh lvl.100 T

Third Generation [252-386]

[252]Treecko lvl.1 UT
[255]Torchic lvl.5 UT
[279]Pelipper lvl.55 UT
[280]Ralts lvl.4 UT
[328]Trapinch lvl.29 UT – Modest
[329]Vibrava lvl.53 UT
[330]Flygon lvl.45 UT –Modest
[332]Cacturne lvl.52 UT
[374]Beldum lvl.5 UT
[380]Latias lvl.40 UT
[381]Latios lvl.40 UT
[382]Kyogre lvl.45 T
[383]Groudon lvl.70 UT
[384]Rayquaza vlv.100 T

Fourth Generation [387-493]

[390]Chimchar lvl.1 UT - Adamant
[403]Shinx lvl.5 UT
[417]Pachirisu lvl.8 UT
[419]Floatzel lvl.28 UT
[422]Shellos lvl.8 UT
[442]Spiritomb lvl.1 UT
[443]Gible lvl.17 UT – Adamant
[447]Riolu lvl.1 UT - Jolly
[451]Skorupi lvl.26 UT – Adamant
[479]Rotom lvl.15 UT - Naive
[480]Uxie lvl.50 BT
[482]Azelf lvl.50 UT – Modest
[483]Dialga lvl.100 T
[484]Palkia lvl. 100 T
[485]Heatran lvl.70 UT
[487]Giratina lvl.70 UT
[488]Cresselia lvl.50 UT
[490]Manaphy lvl.1 UT - Impish

The Events

Well i dont have many events but i do have some, so for those who are interested can ask to trade.

10ANNIV Lugia - 7/25/07 - ID 06227 - Lax - UT
10 ANIV Celebi - 5/9/07 - ID 00010 - Timid - UT
CHANNEL Jirachi - 8/22/07 - ID 40122 - Mild - UT
ALAMOS Darkrai - 6/1/08 - ID 05318 - Jolly - UT
ALAMOS Darkrai - 6/1/08 - ID 05318 - Modest - UT
ALAMOS Darkrai - 6/1/08 - ID 05318 - Timid - UT
Eigakan Darkrai (with Enigma Berry) - 7/14/08 - ID 07147 - Quirky - UT
Gamestop Deoxys (with NeverMeltIce) - 6/20/08 - ID 06218 - Modest - UT
Almia Darkrai UT - More details coming soon
Almia Riolu UT - More details coming soon
Pokemon Ranger Manaphy Egg

My Wants
  • Any Good natured Shiny UT
  • Any UT Event that i dont have
  • Very good IV breed + Egg moved Pokemon
l'm interested in your 10th anniversary Celebi and the timid Alamos Darkrai. Check my thread and see what you want.
Renzo said:
Nature on Beldum please? Check out my Emporium (Player Thread).

Beldum lvl.5 UT - Lax nature.

still want it?

lucariopulse333 said:
l'm interested in your 10th anniversary Celebi and the timid Alamos Darkrai. Check my thread and see what you want.

Ill have the Shiny WISHMKR Jirachi and the PBR Pikachu. ok?
Hmm... no sorry. Nature on Vibrava and stats of Suicune? You caught it at lv 50 right?
Renzo said:
Hmm... no sorry. Nature on Vibrava and stats of Suicune? You caught it at lv 50 right?

Vibrava (NN) - Hasty.
i do have a modest flygon

Suicune lvl.50 - Timid
I'll trade a ALAMOS Darkrai (rash) for your Jirachi and a shiny Deoxys (Sassy) for your shiny Ho-oh.

I'm also new, would you please help me?
Gliscor said:
I'll trade a ALAMOS Darkrai (rash) for your Jirachi and a shiny Deoxys (Sassy) for your shiny Ho-oh.

I'm also new, would you please help me?

No thanks, i only looking for good natured events.
i already have rash darkrai and shiny deoxys.
Gliscor said:
Then I'll trade a Lv.100 Darkrai (Calm, form Newmoon island) for you shiny Ho-oh.

I only take UT sorry.
and isnt new moon the glitch one?
i haved one of those, but i prefer not to trade that.